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Access an IIN Trial Class and Experience The Health Coach Training Program Course

Discover what the modules of our online program are like. Our curriculum includes key nutrition concepts, the power of the mind-body connection, and teaches you how to build your career as a health coach.


New Program in Spanish!

We have translated The Health Coach Training Program completely into Spanish. IIN is internationally recognized for its more than 30 years of experience as a leader in the health coaching industry and is the only school that offers such a comprehensive health coaching program in Spanish.

  • You will receive all the content of the Study Plan in Spanish; The audiovisual material is also available in Spanish or with subtitles.
  • You will get business, marketing and coaching resources in Spanish to develop your business with ease.
  • You will have support in Spanish from our Admissions staff and our pedagogical advisors
  • You will have access to our private Facebook group and will be part of our community of Spanish-speaking IIN students worldwide.

How the Health Trainer Training Program Works

Duration of the program

12 months or 6 months in the intensive modality

Required time

5-7 or 10-14 hours a week in the accelerated program


100% online
Jump point: request-info (text will be hidden when published)

Get a Trial Class

By clicking 'Send Me My Class!', I consent to Integrative Nutrition and its affiliates contacting me by email at the address provided and/or by telephone at the number provided (by live, automated, or prerecorded phone calls or text messages) about the products and services offered by Integrative Nutrition and its affiliates. I understand that my consent is not required for enrollment and may be withdrawn.


Want to see inside the program? Try out the Sample Class.

Get a sneak peek into your student experience in this free sample of the first module of the Health Coach Training Program. Meet some of the health and wellness experts you will learn from and begin to dive into fundamental topics in nutrition, functional medicine, and coaching.
Sample Class HCTP Module 1 Image
Sample Class HCTP Module 1 Image

Want to see inside the program? Try out the Sample Class.

Get a sneak peek into your student experience in this free sample of the first module of the Health Coach Training Program. Meet some of the health and wellness experts you will learn from and begin to dive into fundamental topics in nutrition, functional medicine, and coaching.

Transform your life

Pursue your passion and build a holistic health business in tune with your life goals. Embark on a successful career where you can combine your passion for holistic health and nutrition and transform the lives of many people.


Build a Flexible Career

Develop your own part-time or full-time health coaching business, online or in-person to fit your needs. Up to you! Define your own schedule and achieve balance between work and private life.

Create more sources of income

Create a lucrative career and an additional source of income with IIN business tools. By completing half of the program you will be ready to start doing coaching sessions with clients and getting paid for them. You will be able to generate income while you study and practice what you have learned!

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Sample Class today

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Download Curriculum Guide

By clicking 'Download Curriculum Guide!', I consent to Integrative Nutrition and its affiliates contacting me by email at the address provided and/or by telephone at the number provided (by live, automated, or prerecorded phone calls or text messages) about the products and services offered by Integrative Nutrition and its affiliates. I understand that my consent is not required for enrollment and may be withdrawn.