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IIN’s Approach to Nutrition with our Online Health Coach Training

IIN’s Nutrition and Health Curriculum

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IIN’s online Health Coach Training ProgramTM covers a variety of subjects in nutrition, nutrition science, and lifestyle and functional medicine.

You'll hear from experts on topics such as food as functional medicine, joy and self-care, healthy cooking and budgeting, and how nutrition plays a pivotal role in overall wellness. We also cover more complex health topics, such as gut health and the human microbiome, digestive issues and the role of the elimination diet, inflammation and anti-inflammatory eating, stress management and dietary choices, sugar and hormonal balance, adrenal health, and much more.

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IIN takes an integrative and holistic approach to wellness, embracing and teaching the concept of integrative nutrition.

Food changes everything, but your health is determined by much more than just the food you eat. You also must nourish the areas of your life that feed your soul, such as fostering positive relationships, having a fulfilling career, and finding joy and purpose. This is what we refer to as integrative nutrition, the integration of all dimensions of your well-being to create true health and happiness.

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You'll embrace bio-IINdividuality, empowering you to discover your own health philosophy, including what foods and ways of eating work best for you.

Everyone’s needs are different and what works for one person won’t work for another—this is IIN’s core concept of bio-individuality. Through this lens, you will develop your personal approach to life and health coaching that honors your unique body, and how to apply this approach with others to spark their own transformation.

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You’ll dive deeper into health coach topics and your health coach training during Integration and Lab Modules that bring your education to life.

Your IIN experience is about finding what excites and inspires you to live a life you love and become your healthiest, happiest self. These are designated weeks to practice and apply what you’ve learned, including experimenting with the tools you need to share your wellness knowledge with the world. Our innovative health coaching and nutrition program is designed to be a transformative and deeply personal experience for every student.

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Get your free
Sample Class today

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Want to see inside the program? Try out the Sample Class.

Get a sneak peek into your student experience in this free sample of the first module of the Health Coach Training Program. Meet some of the health and wellness experts you will learn from and begin to dive into fundamental topics in nutrition, functional medicine, and coaching.
Sample Class HCTP Module 1 Image
Sample Class HCTP Module 1 Image

Want to see inside the program? Try out the Sample Class.

Get a sneak peek into your student experience in this free sample of the first module of the Health Coach Training Program. Meet some of the health and wellness experts you will learn from and begin to dive into fundamental topics in nutrition, functional medicine, and coaching.

Get your free
Sample Class today

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