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Our Gut Health Course is designed to empower you with knowledge and practical strategies for optimal digestive health and holistic wellness. You will be guided to tune into your body's signals, and taught how to identify and address signs of inflammation and intolerances. You will walk away with essential skills to achieve a balanced gut - and life - through targeted diet and lifestyle modifications, as well as how to coach clients to do the same.
IIN Enrichment Program
image 133 NASM Logo (PDP) AFAA Logo (PDP)

Gut Health Course

Discover the deep connections between gut health and overall well-being, and learn how to make targeted diet and lifestyle modifications for a balanced gut and life, which can also be shared with your coaching clients.
Start Date
0% APR for up to 24 months with , , or

What is gut health?

Nourishing your gut health requires a comprehensive understanding of the microbiome's critical role in digestive health, as well as the connection between the gut and the brain that when working properly, promotes holistic well-being.
Gain essential knowledge on the digestive system and the microbiome to identify and address imbalances that lead to issues like weight gain and inflammation.
Explore the connection between the gut and the brain via the gut-brain axis and its impact on physical, mental, and emotional health.  
Learn the signs and symptoms of food intolerances and conditions of the gut, plus how to minimize their impact on your or your client’s life.
Cultivate a diverse and healthy microbiome through optimal nutrition. Explore the role of fermented foods, prebiotics, probiotics, supplements, and more.
From breath-work to minimizing toxin exposure, take inventory of your lifestyle practices and implement simple yet effective interventions for a healthier gut.
What is Gut Health Image

This course is for you if you want to...

Add a gut health focus to your practice.
Gain comprehensive strategies and access resources that will add value to your existing health coaching practice and enable you to support clients even further.
Earn continuing education credits.
You're a health coach or wellness professional looking to specialize, earn a certificate in a niche area of health, or obtain CE credits to maintain your NBC-HWC credential.
Improve gut-related health issues.
Whether you're living with gut-related conditions or supporting someone who is, this course provides the tools and knowledge to manage these conditions effectively.
Incorporate more holistic practices.
This course offers insights into holistic lifestyle practices that can reduce stress, support immunity, and significantly improve your or your clients' life quality.

Join a global community of over 160k grads.

Your rewarding journey

You Enroll
Discover the most comprehensive health coach training program that encompasses a wide array
You Enroll
Discover the most comprehensive health coach training program that encompasses a wide array
You Enroll
Discover the most comprehensive health coach training program that encompasses a wide array

Want to start today?

Explore IIN’s unique approach to integrative health, nutrition, and lifestyle and introduce our core concepts: bio-individuality, multidimensional health, primary food, and secondary food.
Explore IIN’s unique approach to integrative health, nutrition, and lifestyle and introduce our core concepts: bio-individuality, multidimensional health, primary food, and secondary food.
Explore IIN’s unique approach to integrative health, nutrition, and lifestyle and introduce our core concepts: bio-individuality, multidimensional health, primary food, and secondary food.

Discover the most comprehensive health coach training program that encompasses a wide array of essential elements for holistic wellness. This program offers in-depth education in seven key categories: Physical health, mental and emotional health, nutrition, the concept of primary food, spirituality, effective coaching techniques, and essential business skills.

This course is for you if you want to....

Add a gut health focus to your practice.

Gain comprehensive strategies and access resources that will add value to your existing health coaching practice and enable you to support clients even further.


The Health Coach Training Program was designed to fit into a busy lifestyle. Access your course materials from anywhere in the world, on any device.


The Health Coach Training Program was designed to fit into a busy lifestyle. Access your course materials from anywhere in the world, on any device.

Jump point: certificate (text will be hidden when published)

Gut Health Certificate

Receive a digital badge and Certificate of Completion upon successful completion of this course.
Share your digital badge on LinkedIn and showcase your continued education, success, and concentration on gut health.


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Continuing Education Credits

National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching

The Gut Health Course (CEA-000382-2) is officially recognized by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) for continuing education credits. If you're a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), you can earn 18 credits toward renewing your board certification by successfully completing this course!
Jump point: certificate (text will be hidden when published)
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Continuing Education Credits

National Academy for Sports Medicine (NASM) & Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AAFA)

IIN is recognized by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and the Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider. The Hormone Health Course is eligible for 1.9 NASM / 15 AFAA CEUs.
Jump point: certificate (text will be hidden when published)



The entire course brought a new dimension to my knowledge and awareness of the gut. I took many little steps towards improving my health, and that benefit is paying off. What a great course!
Dorota Nunner
2019 Gut Health Course Graduate

Your learning experience

Learn Online
Access your course materials from anywhere in the world, on any device.
Robust Curriculum
Gain access to 16 modules that contain 75+ audio and video lectures.
Resources for Success
Lifetime access to reading materials, handouts, and skill-building activities.
Business Tool Kit
20+ ready-to-use worksheets and coaching materials to support your clients.

Learn from gut health experts

Erin Holt, IFNCP

Board-Certified Integrative and Functional Nutritionist, Founder of Erin Holt Health

Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN

Internationally Recognized Specialist in Wheat and Autoimmune Disease, Founder of, Author

Shaunna Menard, MD

Medical Doctor, Lifestyle Medicine Specialist, Transformation Cheerleader, Holistic Entrepreneur

There was no question in my mind that I not only had to learn more [about wellness], but had to find a way to help others find that same sense of empowerment.
Michael DeSanti, Mentor
IIN Health Coach, Wellness Consultant, and Former Investment Banker

Where our students work

Ishani Reddy
IIN Health Coach, Wellness Consultant, and Former Investment Banker
Ishani Reddy
IIN Health Coach, Wellness Consultant, and Former Investment Banker
There was no question in my mind that I not only had to learn more [about wellness], but had to find a way to help others find that same sense of empowerment. Investing in IIN is what helped me make that dream a reality.
Ishani Reddy
IIN Health Coach, Wellness Consultant, and Former Investment Banker
Ishani Reddy
IIN Health Coach, Wellness Consultant, and Former Investment Banker

The IIN Health Coach Certification Advantage

IIN Mind Body Green Health COach Institute eCornell Functional Nutrition Alliance Ace
Pioneered health coaching industry 31 years ago
Licensed School
Path to NBHWC certification

Paths to intl certification orgs (HCANZA, HCA, UKIHCA)

Earn up to 29 college credits

Approved by 3rd-party orgs for CEUs

A+ BBB rating & 4+ stars on Trustpilot

Average tuition under $4,000

Multiple payment plans options available

Learn from 95+ experts, including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Melissa Wood-Tepperberg, and Dr. Drew Ramsey

Nutrition 50% of course & trademarked coaching methodology

Graduate with a business plan with support from "IINtegration Labs"

Live components-coaching calls, office hours, and webinars

Health Coaching Certification available in Spanish

Lifelong access to program materials

Continuing education & business services support

Largest global community of Health Coaches

What is the health coach training program?

What is the health coach training program?

In this leading health coaching certification, discover a comprehensive curriculum that covers the essential elements of achieving holistic wellness. In addition to learning about nutrition and physical health, you will learn how to nourish your mental and emotional well-being.

What is the health coach training program?

The Health Coach Training Program is recognized by the below organizations, colleges, and universities:
National College Credit Recognition Service (NCCRS)
National College Credit Recognition Service (NCCRS)
National College Credit Recognition Service (NCCRS)
National College Credit Recognition Service (NCCRS)
National College Credit Recognition Service (NCCRS)
IIN Category Program

Gut Health Course

Discover the deep connections between gut health and overall mental, physical, and emotional well-being, and learn how to make targeted diet and lifestyle modifications for a balanced gut and life.
Just a quick selection and you'll be ready to enroll.
Start Date
0% APR for up to 24 months with , , or

Differentiate yourself with a specialized pathway

Amplify your learning and career mobility with these bundles.

Find out if this course is right for you

By submitting, I consent to Integrative Nutrition and its affiliates contacting me by email at the address provided and/or by telephone at the number provided (by live, automated, or prerecorded phone calls or text messages) about the products and services offered by Integrative Nutrition and its affiliates. I understand that my consent is not required for enrollment and may be withdrawn. This page is protected by Google reCAPTCHA.


Frequently asked questions

How long is this course?

Will this course be graded?

What do I get when I complete this course?

How much is tuition? Do I have payment plan options?

I read that you're an NBHWC approved continuing education provider, how do I earn credits for this course?

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By clicking 'Download Curriculum Guide!', I consent to Integrative Nutrition and its affiliates contacting me by email at the address provided and/or by telephone at the number provided (by live, automated, or prerecorded phone calls or text messages) about the products and services offered by Integrative Nutrition and its affiliates. I understand that my consent is not required for enrollment and may be withdrawn. 

Gut Health Course

Discover the deep connections between gut health and well-being.

Just a quick selection and you'll be ready to enroll.

Start Date
0% APR for up to 24 months with , , or
0% APR for up to 24 months with , , or