Sprouts are the adorable tiny shoots of seeds, grains, nuts, or legumes and you may already be familiar with some of them. You may have seen them in a gourmet sandwich shop or the produce aisle of your grocery store. Despite their small stature, these little guys pack a mighty nutritional punch!
Benefits of sprouts:
Sprouts are rich in plant protein and amino acids, vitamins like A, B, C, and E among others, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium.
What gives them an edge over full-grown plants is their abundance in enzymes, making them easier to digest and thereby preserving your own enzymes for other important bodily functions. They are a good source of phytochemicals, which can help prevent many types of cancer and support overall health, and they help to alkalize your digestive pH.
Some even say that sprouts hold the energy of vitality and youthfulness because they are the source from which (plant) life is created.
What’s interesting about plant-based foods including seeds, legumes, and grains is that they contain a rich source of nutrients that ultimately become activated in the transformative process of growth, while also containing “anti-nutrients” to protect them. We can’t digest the good nutrients without neutralizing the harmful ones first through soaking and you guessed it… sprouting!
How to grow your own sprouts:
There’s more than one way to grow sprouts, but here’s a simple method you can try…
What to do with your sprouts:
The possibilities are endless!
At Integrative Nutrition, students learn to find simple ways to maximize their nutrition every day. Sprouts are a perfect first step to incorporating superfoods into your daily diet since they can be added to almost every dish. As an added bonus, you can get the whole family involved because they’re so easy and fun to make!
What are your favorite types of sprouts? Share in the comments below!