What Is Quantum Healing, and How Is It Used?
Quantum healing is both a phrase and an evolving field of research that explores how well-being can be influenced by the smallest level of physics. According to quantum healers, the simple act of exhaling can affect everything else in the universe. In essence, everything has a ripple effect.
By guiding you into deeper states of consciousness and using various holistic tools like meditation, Ayurveda, and others, quantum healers can shift energy and support healing by way of mindful intention. With practice and focus, you can even learn to shift your energy.
Whereas traditional healing modalities reach the limits of reason and results, quantum healing opens the door to new possibilities. In other words, traditional, larger measures can only go so far in explaining certain phenomena, but quantum mechanics (and therefore quantum healing) seeks to explain other correlations such as the relationship between energy and frequency.
Quantum healing is also a topic of controversy, as it is more difficult to quantify what can’t be seen with the naked eye.
Quantum Healing: A Deeper Look
Quantum healing is based on the principles of quantum physics, which suggests that everything in the universe is made up of energy, and how you consciously interact with that energy plays a key role in shaping your reality. That ultimately influences our universal reality, as everything has a ripple effect).
There are several important principles to know as you deepen your understanding of quantum healing:
Qi, pronounced like "chi," refers to the life force or energy that flows through all living things. It's a central concept in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. Believed to be present in all living things (including humans, animals, and plants), Qi flows through the body along pathways known as meridians. When the flow of Qi is blocked or disrupted, it can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual problems. Quantum techniques like acupuncture, qigong, and tai chi are all used to help Qi flow better.
Similar to Qi, Prana also refers to a life force flowing through all living things. Prana is believed to move through channels known as nadis, and is associated with the breath. The goal is to have prana flow smoothly through you, promoting health and balance. Breathing exercises (pranayama), asana (yoga postures), and meditation are used to promote the flow of Prana.
Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is the idea that thoughts can attract positive or negative experiences into our lives. Practitioners of the Law of Attraction believe that by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, we can attract positive outcomes and experiences. Focusing on gratitude and optimism can help happy, helpful life experiences flow to you.
The Potential Benefits of Quantum Healing
On a daily basis, there are multiple factors that can throw you off balance, from stress to traveling and being out of your routine. According to quantum healing, the quickest way to get back to your center is to address underlying energetic imbalances in your body. Examples of how quantum healing can serve to re-balance the body include experiences like reducing stress and anxiety, and improving mental clarity and focus with yoga and meditation.
It is important to note that should you embark on a quantum healing experience, you’ll want to do so under the supervision of a certified practitioner who can safely work with your energy. Just as a professional fitness trainer is trained to provide exercise guidance, quantum healers are skilled at how to responsibly manage energy.
Deepak Chopra's Pioneering Influence
Dr. Deepak Chopra is a quantum healing pioneer. He spent a few years in conventional internal medicine before becoming interested in alternative methods and spiritual practices. Since then, Dr. Chopra has authored more than 90 books that emphasize how the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit is the key to achieving optimal health and happiness. According to Dr. Chopra and fellow quantum healers, your mind holds the power to heal various ailments through energy transfer, which then can create a correction in energy imbalance.
Dr. Chopra is IIN's Chief Wellness Officer. Like the IIN community, the Chopra community is made up of coaches and teachers who are eager to make a difference in the world through holistic health education. This partnership has empowered both communities to keep healing the world together.
Dive Deeper Into Quantum Healing
If you’re feeling frustrated by old beliefs, or are just excited by new ones, quantum healing is an incredible area of study to immerse yourself in. Though research is still needed in this area, aligning your healing practices with your unique needs is best, and that can be done safely in partnership with your healthcare practitioner. In support of your highest well-being, we offer a collection of core programs and other life-changing health and wellness courses at the forefront of science and spirituality.