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Wellness Programs: A Work Perk or the Key to Reversing the Health Crisis?

With new tax incentives and grants, more companies than ever are now offering wellness programs to help reduce healthcare costs. New studies show that wellness programs are enormously beneficial to both employee health and the financial bottom line. 

Imagine a world where employees went through their workday feeling energized, happy, and healthy. How would that change the world? It turns out that workplace wellness programs are playing a key role in reversing the health crisis. But how, and why does it matter? 

You may or may not have heard that sitting is the new smoking. Working all day at your computer has been proven to increase one’s risk of diabetes and obesity, increase the risk of cancer, and lead to depression. 

Many companies are taking an opposite approach to the sitting standard by implementing workplace wellness programs that include exercise breaks, massages, healthy lunches, meditation breaks, and more. 

Here are some ways wellness programs are improving the health of employees, and therefore the health of companies: 

  1. Increased productivity. When employees are healthy, it’s much easier for them to focus and produce high-quality work at a rapid rate.
  2. Decreased costs. Healthy employees cost less, because they produce higher quality work while also using fewer sick days. Employees in good health also significantly reduce the cost of healthcare and insurance claims.
  3. Happier employees. Exercise, massage, and meditation are all proven to increase the production of serotonin, one of the feel-good hormones that impart a feeling of happiness.
  4. Improved workplace culture. When employees are feeling upbeat and energetic from taking care of themselves, the likelihood of gossip and arguments decreases greatly. When employees are positive, a feeling of camaraderie is present in the workspace.
  5. Higher employee retention rates. When employees feel appreciated and taken care of, they are much more likely to stay with their company. Wellness programs are essentially happiness and loyalty insurance. 

The bottom line is healthy employees cost companies a lot less, because they are productive, energetic, and they get their work done. 

Here at Integrative Nutrition, we offer a comprehensive wellness program including daily fresh, organic lunch, massages, chiropractic adjustments, fresh flowers at every desk, yoga classes, and more. 

Does your company have any type of wellness program? How does it impact your life? If not, how would adding in wellness perks change how you felt during the workday and in the rest of your life? 

What if the world knew about this too? Wouldn't it be a better place? Use the tools on the left to spread the word! 

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