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The IIN Community of Well BeIINgs: Kailey Donewald, on Making a Fierce Commitment to Yourself

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 3:16:36 PM

Name: Kailey Donewald 
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States 
Instagram: @sacredserve

Q: What inspired you to enroll at IIN? 

A: I had grown up suffering from severe cases of both asthma and allergies, and every doctor and specialist I saw told me I was simply born with those conditions and would need to rely on medications for the rest of my life.  

However, when I was 25 years old, I traveled to Bali, Indonesia, where I embarked on a two-week raw-food cleanse. Within that short amount of time, my body completely healed of both conditions, and I realized that not only was I not born with those conditions, but it had also been the food I was eating all along (the SAD, or Standard American Diet) that had been making me so sick.  

This ignited a desire to learn as much as I could about food and nutrition and the systems that power them. Multiple people on my trip told me about IIN’s Health Coach Training Program!

Q: How are you using your Health Coach Training Program education? 

A: After years of health coaching one-on-one, I am currently the founder and CEO of a better-for-you consumer package goods (CPG) company called Sacred Serve. We offer the first functional plant-based gelato made from young Thai coconut meat, packed with superfoods, adaptogenic herbs, and medicinal mushrooms. The product is packaged in the world’s first 100% plastic-free ice cream cartons, making them better for the Earth, too!

Q: How did your understanding of spirituality expand upon taking the program? 

A: I developed a much deeper relationship with myself, which yielded a broader understanding and belief in the larger workings of our universe, our experiences within it, and how everything is connected. The program guided me through a lot of self-study, which led to uncovering natural gifts and strengths and how to work with those for the betterment of society. Doing so has led me to my calling and passion in life ‒ which is one of the most spiritual experiences there is!

Q: Did IIN help you find a way of eating that works for you? If so, tell us more about that journey. 

A: IIN taught me the secret that there’s no one way of eating and about the importance of finding what works on an individual level. After years of learning how to listen to my body and its signals, I’ve honed an intuitive way of eating that allows me to try new things and recognize quickly what works and what does not. I’ve found much success in a plant-forward diet rich in whole foods, and I strictly avoid gluten, dairy, and soy.

Q: How do you nourish yourself beyond your plate, with primary foods? 

A: Daily walks, time spent with our new puppy, weekly catch-up calls with friends, and cozying up with a good book at home with my fiancé. I am also a certified yoga practitioner and love practicing yoga. We recently got an infrared sauna for our home, which has been absolutely incredible for stress reduction!

Q: How are you living a life you love? How did the program help you achieve this? 

A: I am living an incredibly fulfilling life that continues to challenge and reward me, and I credit my journey at IIN with giving me the confidence to go for it. I had a lot of big ideas and a desire to be an entrepreneur early on, but I never felt I had the right tools and, thus, the confidence to feel comfortable getting started. IIN equipped me with the tools, a deeper understanding of myself, and inherently, the confidence I needed to get out there and start. Leaving the program with a foundation of nutrition, lifestyle hacks, and an understanding of primary foods was a big leg up in designing a sustainable life I love.

Q: Health is not a destination; it's an evolution and a journey. How does this resonate with you? 

A: Health, for me, is really a mindset. A daily checking in with myself. An attunement with myself and the challenge of continuously refining my ability to listen to my body and its needs. If we take care of our bodies and remove the distractions (whether it be a headache, indigestion, or chronic disease), our minds are easier to calm. It’s been all about discovering what works for me (food, movements, thoughts, environments), with the understanding that it’s always changing with the seasons, with age, with time. For me, health is the constant commitment to myself daily to check in. 

Q: If you could tell your pre-IIN self one thing, what would it be? 

A: Don’t be afraid to share what you love.

Q: What is your morning routine? 

A: Ever since IIN, I’ve taken my mornings very seriously! I wake up two hours before I need to be at the computer, and I allow myself to fill that time with whatever makes me happy. Sometimes it’s reading, journaling, going on a walk, yoga, or even watching a movie. It’s been hugely beneficial to start my days filling my own cup before going out there and interacting with others. It’s the best way to make sure you take care of yourself first and don’t run out of time in the day for you! A gratitude practice has also been a tremendous way to frame my days in the morning.

Q: What music do you play to get out of a funk? 

A: Country or classic oldies!

Q: What's your favorite on-the-go snack? 

A: Sprouted buckwheat clusters.

Q: What's one thing you can't run your business without? 

A: A team. One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn in building the company is that I can’t do it alone ‒ and beyond that, how rewarding it is to build alongside a dedicated team that shares your vision and passion. 

Q: We’re calling our IIN graduates and community members Well BeIINgs. How do you embody well-being? 

A: I really believe it’s a mindset above all else. To prioritize daily the mind/body/soul dynamic that lends itself to how we show up every day. I embody well-being through my commitment to my physical and emotional health every day. Knowing we can’t pour from an empty cup, I hope to inspire others through this fierce commitment and show that prioritizing ourselves is the least selfish thing we can do.


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