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Meet our Leadership in Health Coaching Award Recipients for the June 2019 Spanish Class

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 3:19:09 PM

Congratulations to our Leadership in Health Coaching Award recipients for the June 2019 Spanish class! Integrative Nutrition believes in, supports, and celebrates all our incredible graduates for spreading the ripple effect of health and happiness in the world. The Leadership in Health Coaching Award was created to recognize the amazing accomplishments of our graduates, specifically those doing outstanding work that aligns with Integrative Nutrition’s core mission. Learn more about the winners below!

Jennifer De la Mora Lopez

Mexico City, Mexico


What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

I used to work as a content marketing manager for a word-of-mouth company. I liked my job, but it did not fulfill me 100%. It wasn’t until I found IIN that my life took a 180° turn. To be honest, I’d rather work for myself than for someone else’s company/office.

How did your life change after enrolling?

For a long time, I was searching for my “true passion.” Finally, after many years of transformation and discovery, I am so proud to be able to say I AM A HEALTH COACH! During this year, I learned much more about myself than I would have imagined. I learned how to eat a plant-based diet and practice spirituality every day. Thanks to meditation, my heart is at peace and my mind, body, and soul are on the right path.


Ericka Bermeo Kittyle

Guayaquil, Ecuador


What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

Before enrolling in HCTP, I worked as a flight attendant on a prestigious Latin American airline. I had studied engineering in tourism and hotel management in my professional career, and all my previous jobs were related to that. In hotel management, I worked almost three years. In aviation, I spent about 15 years in different areas, including security, passenger service, duty free. I worked as a cabin crew member for 10 years until November 2019 when I decided to retire and fully dedicate myself to my work as a Health Coach in Integrative Nutrition focused on the most vulnerable population: children. I am also now certified as a Complementary Nutrition Coach.

How did your life change after enrolling?

I feel like my life has changed completely. Now every day, I have INTENTIONS, which led me to a medium-term PURPOSE to achieve my long-term GOAL. Before I promoted a nutritious diet in children, but now I promote a HAPPY and CONSCIOUS diet, with an emotional and nutritional balance that allows us to enjoy, laugh, share, know, and care for our body, mind, and soul. I prioritize MY self-care so that I can be fully happy, an example for my family and the parents who I help so much every day. I know that now my purpose in life is to do what I am passionate about, to do it with love, to serve, to do good to others, achieving a ripple effect in every family I reach.


Daniela Baena

Palermo, Italy


What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

Before enrolling at IIN, I was starting my online business of healthy eating courses. I am a chef, and at that time, I was starting to materialize my dream of making my profession a sustainable one: friendly to my health, friendly to those who work with me, and above all provide my clients with honest and good-quality products. After several years in the kitchens of the world, I noticed that it needed a change. We work 14 hours or more a day, sometimes without time to eat, have a life, or rest. They don’t pay us well, and many times, they contract us outside the legal framework to avoid paying taxes. All of this had to end. I decided to invent my own way of living my culinary career.

How did your life change after enrolling?

After signing up, I started to feel a little confused about all the possible eating theories. It took me a while to start listening inward with the new look that IIN offers us in the framework of so much knowledge. However, my health began to give me very alarming signs and calls to my soul that I was ignoring. Life wanted me to experience in my own body all the things I was learning at IIN, and it was thanks to all this information that I made all my signs of autoimmune activity disappear in my body in a few months. I learned to hear the deepest desire of my soul and support my body with healing foods and natural supplements while real forgiveness occurred within me. I learned how to cure myself with discipline, patience, and most of all faith.