Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

London IINternational Conference Recap

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:51:15 AM

This past weekend, Joshua Rosenthal, Founder and Director of Integrative Nutrition, travelled to London, England for the first ever IINternational Conference. Held at the beautiful event space, Altitude 360, the conference was an intimate gathering of members from our community. Joshua defined Integrative Nutrition as a global community whose mission is to bring health and happiness to the world.

This rare opportunity was organized by IIN students, Luisa Kerdel Blatnik and  Amanda Cook who took the initiative to create a space where they could invite others to study with Joshua live, in a personal setting.

Saturday was dedicated to class time with an emphasis on creating community, strengthening coaching skills and building your practice. Sunday’s focus was building new partnerships, connecting with your vibrant community and exploring London, one of the most exciting cities in the world.

Amanda wrote a detailed recap of her inspirational experience over the past weekend at the London IINternational Conference. You can read the entire post, Conscious, mindful entrepreneurs: get ready to live a life beyond your wildest dreams, on Amanda’s website, Wellpreneur Online.

It was the first IIN event outside of the USA, and it was fantastic. Sweeping views over London, 100 IIN students and graduates from around the world (from across the UK, Switzerland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Finland … and even Hawaii!), an opening and nourishing yoga routine, and very special speakers.”

Joshua, empowering the community.

"As health coaches, we are helping our clients make radical improvements in their lives.  We need to walk the talk by valuing our work, focusing on abundance, and taking care of ourselves.  Then we’ll be able to help our clients achieve the same things in their lives.When people spend money for an experience, they often appreciate it more and take it more seriously.  Don’t deprive your clients of the experience of investing in their own health"

"This weekend, Joshua asked us to set concrete goals for income in the next 12 months.  Take a minute to do the same for yourself.  Find your number, and write it down.

Then, it gets more fun – set a reward when you reach the goal. 

What will you do when you reach that income goal? Take a vacation? Spend a day at the spa? Buy that bag you’ve been wanting? Setting a reward at the end reminds us to pause and celebrate our successes!"

Guest speakers.

Guest speakers were Gabrielle Bernstein, unique and charismatic author of Spirit Junkie, and Simon Brown, author of Modern Day Macrobiotics and The Feng Shui Bible

“Macrobiotic and Feng Shui expert and author Simon Brown spoke to us about interconnectedness. We started with a simple version of a Japanese tea ceremony – an easy meditative act that you and your clients can use throughout the day to rebalance and get present. Then Simon talked us through interconnectedness and numerous studies which showed that your thoughts and beliefs can directly impact your health…and the health of your clients."

“Simon suggests coming from a place of positivity, encouragement and support in our coaching. Rather than moving away from a bad habit, instead move towards something good (focusing on the positive element).  Instead of focusing on how not to get sick, focus on how to be healthy, vibrant and full of life.”

“Gabrielle talked to us about miracles, abundance, lighting a spark in our clients, effortless action and authenticity. There were so many gems of wisdom in her talk – but some of my favorites were about social media: You don’t have to be everywhere. Use the social media platforms that work for you. Bring your passion and love into all of your marketing and messaging. Be authentic! In every single thing. If it feels wrong, delete it.”

What you said. 

In addition to Amanda’s recap, we were happy to read the feedback from attendees on Facebook!

“Thank you Joshua for coming to London in this intimate setting and to Luisa and Amanda for making this a reality! It's been an amazing two days connecting with fellow IINers this side of the "pond" and I know we're going to continue to flourish and grow...” – Isabel B.

“Woke up today feeling energized, inspired and thankful - for this weekend, this community, this education and all the possibilities that lie ahead.” – Dale M.

“Feeling blessed and thankful for this amazing experience, making new connections and friends within the IIN community that is like no other! Thank you Joshua for making this happen.” – Elaine B.

“Thank you all for such a amazing weekend. It was really emotional and great to see so many devoted and warm people in a one room!” – Sonia H.

We are beyond IINspired by IIN students and graduates who are taking the initiative to organize events supporting the growth of our community through real life connections. Our ripple effect is strengthening, and we are thrilled that the first major IIN international conference was a complete success!

The smiles and laughter in the photos prove that the weekend was about making authentic connections, sharing, and learning from each other while having a really great time!

For more photos from the event, click through to our Flickr album, London IINternational Conference.