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Leadership in Health Coaching Award for the April 2022 Classes

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 12:44:59 PM

HCTP April 2022 class 

Tyler Atwell

Instagram Handle: @tatwell713

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

Prior to enrolling with IIN, I was a caretaker for my mom. She was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer at 43 years old. Doctors told her she had a very uncomfortable 1–2 months left of life to look forward to. We decided instead to take a more holistic approach to fighting her cancer. As a result, she lived for more than a year in the best health of her life. Most of that time, I was supporting her with her wellness routines and doing anything I could to be there with her and help her stay in high spirits. It was an incredibly challenging time. But through the adversity, my mom and I grew closer than ever before, and as a family, we were able to create some of the most meaningful memories of our entire lives together. It became clear to me that I wanted to learn as much as I could about holistic healthcare to help others so they don’t have to go through the challenges my mom did. So families don’t have to say good-bye to their loved ones at such a young age.

How did your life change after enrolling?

After enrolling with IIN, I was able to connect with an amazing group of like-minded Health Coaches. We’ve been able to collaborate and support each other as we learn from this program and take that knowledge out into the world to help others. Since enrolling, I’ve started a coaching business, launched a blog, built an online community, and started a professional accountability group that meets at least twice a month. I’m also in the final stages of launching a podcast. I feel more supported than ever to care for myself and the people around me and can see that ripple effect going out into the world. I feel like what I’m doing has real meaning. And I’m super optimistic about what we can do together to shift the way people view and experience healthcare.


HCTP April 2022 SPAN class

Maria Osorio

Instagram Handle: @oyemariamaria

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

Since 2017, I have been trying to enroll in the IIN course with my sister. What we did not know was that our life circumstances would change radically at that time, and since then we had tried every possible way to be able to sign up, but something always happened until finally in 2022 we succeeded. Before enrolling in the course, I was looking for meaning and direction in my life. Everything felt difficult, even though I didn’t know I was going to have an easy way to pay for the course and that I was going to be able to study at my own pace. I felt in my heart that the right decision was to enroll, and I have no regrets actually. Everything has been amazing since I started studying at IIN. I realized that I had always had a clear purpose and did not know how to materialize it, and IIN was there, helping me throughout the process, teaching me each step, and most importantly teaching me that in order to help other people, I first need to help myself.

How did your life change after enrolling?

It has completely changed the way I live my life. Even though I still have things to work on, I feel a change inside me from heaven to earth. My perspective on all areas of my life has completely changed. I have put more effort into learning about the things that do me good and help me grow as a person. I have understood that in order to help someone else I first have to help myself and give myself all the support I need – especially as a person whose life language is service. If you want to make sure you are helping someone, first you can’t take everything personally, and second make sure you’re giving yourself what you need before jumping in to help or support someone else.

Learning about the different areas of life, especially nutrition, is something that has changed my way of relating to the world and especially to food. I have had eating disorders for many years (it’s not only about bulimia and anorexia, there are other silent eating disorders that can cause us a lot of damage, for example, having a bad relationship and perception of food) and people around me, too. I have suffered from low self-esteem, and I think that, thanks to IIN, I decided to start healing that part that has caused me so much pain. I owe IIN the second chance I feel I have to live, thanks to all the tools and knowledge they gave me. I feel I am ready with a new oxygen tank to conquer my world and my existence again. Thank you SO, SO MUCH.