Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

IIN Staff Picks: Reflecting on How Far We’ve Come

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:43:33 AM

Nina Zorfass, IIN Content Writer

Looking back to see how far we’ve come

There’s a saying that goes, “Don’t look back; you’re not going that way.” The sentiment suggests dwelling on the past instead of focusing on the future isn’t effective. But sometimes we need to at least peer back as a simple reminder of what we’ve faced, how resilient we actually are, and as motivation to keep moving forward.

The last year was undoubtedly difficult, but even during non-pandemic times, we all have periods in our lives we struggle through that challenge us to come out the other side stronger, whether it’s dealing with the grief of losing a loved one, going through a breakup, hitting a roadblock on a health journey, having to start fresh in a new city with a new job, or leaving a toxic relationship.

We here at IIN know that how we take care of ourselves during these periods is incredibly important, from the food on our plates to the mental and emotional support we embrace. When it comes to personal growth, the journey is truly bio-individual – how each person moves through a life experience will look different because we’re all unique and require different foods, lifestyle practices, environments, and emotional support to feel like our best selves.

We asked some IIN staff how they dealt with any setbacks they experienced in this challenging year of 2020, and how they used what they learned to embrace change and commit to personal growth:

“Busyness was replaced with peacefulness.”

“Last year's social distancing provided me with an unexpected sense of rest and nesting I have never really had before. Without a commute, social events, or focus on my appearance, a constantly rushed schedule was replaced with an ability to heal and cook for myself. I took my days as my body, priorities, and sleep needs saw fit. This provided a lot of physical and mental healing during a time my stress levels should have been higher. Busyness was replaced with peacefulness.”

- Cheri Johnson, Education

“I feel like a new me.”

“I am usually a very social person, and this past year I spent much time alone. I found a sense of comfort in spending more time creating in my art studio and kitchen. I focused on fueling my body with healthy foods, thoughts, and activities. I feel like a new me, and I am grateful to have had this time. It will become part of my routine in this new year.”

- Janet Verney, Education

“I’ve become more protective of my time and resources.”

“My 2020 taught me to slow down and create more space for myself to drift. I am recognizing how toxic our culture can be when it places so much value on productivity. While on pause from the gym, I have enjoyed many long walks outside and more yoga. I've become even more drawn to minimalism (and used the time indoors to pare down my possessions). I've become more protective of my time and resources, and I feel less obligated to expend energy without intention. I am unwilling to let more time pass before I pursue my passion projects and many callings. I feel more in tune with my body and more courageous, and I think this is only the beginning of my personal (and our collective) awakening.”

- Marissa LaRocca, Education 

“Last year at this time…I was seeking more of a challenge. I wanted to make an impact.”

“Last year at this time, I was working at a different company, seeking more of a challenge. I wanted to make an impact. I got both when I came to IIN. I've grown personally, too, proving that I can still maintain my health routine despite not being able to go to my gym and pool. In fact, I have a new personal record for distance walking, which keeps increasing as my husband and I do laps around our local pond. We also bought an indoor recumbent bicycle and several other pieces of home exercise equipment for rainy days. No sign of any ‘Quarantine 15’ here! I’m hoping everyone stays safe and healthy in 2021.”

- Julie Levine, Market and Consumer Insights

“In life, sometimes we need to break in order to grow and expand.”

“This past year, a bridge was built between my personal struggles and the struggles of the world. It all somehow became one and the same, and I could feel the universal embrace above all the muck and madness. We all felt together. In life, sometimes we need to break in order to grow and expand. There were a lot of times in 2020 I felt broken, but it taught me how to implement the tools of putting myself back together, while loving myself through the process. Nourishing my mind and my body using all the modalities I've learned at IIN has been the biggest crutch in expanding my perspective and nurturing my mind-set this year.

“As for most people, it has been a monumental, reflective period – we have been truly evaluating what is important in our lives and who we want to show up as in the world. Growth can be uncomfortable. This year I learned to turn the hurt and discomfort into acceptance, and through that acceptance came enlightenment. Sometimes the only way up is through, and the only way through is perseverance.”

- Alyssa Cabral, Admissions

Seizing opportunities for health and personal growth

Wherever you are right now, reflect on where you were this time last year:

If you feel like you’ve experienced setbacks, what steps can you take to get back on track?

If you feel like you’ve experienced growth, whether small or large, how can you keep up your progress?

Remember, no two journeys will look alike, and the intentions you set for the new year will be unique to you and your goals. IIN’s Health Coach Training Program has taught over 100,000 people in 175 countries how to transform their health, life, and careers focusing on this bio-individual approach!

In the last year, we’ve heard from so many of our students about how 2020 was the year they finally said yes to following their dreams, and seizing the opportunity to learn how to become a Health Coach, all from the comfort and safety of home. If you’re ready to take the next step, take our Sample Class to get a feel for what it would be like to be a student with IIN.