Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

IIN is Recognized by the NBHWC as an Approved Program Provider

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 3:07:17 PM

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) has long been at the forefront of the health coaching industry, advocating for the profession in our work in Washington, D.C., and providing the most comprehensive health coaching education available. We’ve inspired over 100,000 people from all over the world to get their health coach certificate, train to become Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches, and help themselves and others live their happiest, healthiest lives.

We’re thrilled to announce our Coaching Intensive Practicum 2.0* is an Approved Health and Wellness Coach Training & Education Program by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). Graduates of this program are eligible to apply for the HWC Certifying Examination to become a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC).

What does this approval mean for Health Coaches? 

Pathway to certification

This approval demonstrates IIN’s dedication to providing its graduates a pathway to Health Coach certification. As the industry grows, so does the need for standardization of practice requirements to ensure that Health Coaches in the marketplace are properly representing the profession and industry as a whole.

With this approval, Health Coaches who successfully complete the IIN Coaching Intensive Practicum 2.0 know they can rely on the education they’re receiving to propel them toward certification. Employers and clients are looking for more credentialed practitioners, which means board-certified Health Coaches will become better candidates for job placement and procurement.

Dedication to quality education

As the leader in this field, IIN takes our educational offerings very seriously. In addition to our Health Coach Training Program that has been refined over the last 30 years, IIN provides additional programming to continue supporting our students and graduates in their work as Health Coaches, including the Coaching Intensive Practicum 2.0 that has now been approved by the NBHWC.

There are many health coaching schools and programs now available, but they’re not all equal in how they educate Health Coaches. Just as doctors and registered dietitians have to go through rigorous training and meet qualification standards to earn titles, the health coaching industry is working toward similar standards, including this approval process to deem certain program graduates eligible for certification. 

The NBHWC has become the gold standard in assessing Health Coach competencies, and we’re excited to take this step with them as we work to pave the way for Health Coaches to do incredible work in their communities. To learn more about how you can start your Health Coach journey with IIN, check out our free Curriculum Guide.


*Coaching Intensive Practicum 2.0 refers to the version of this course that has been approved by the NBHWC. This course is available to all Health Coaches, not just graduates of IIN’s Health Coach Training Program.