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The Top Seven Way to Clear What Doesn't Serve You

Do you know how powerful the mind is? “We can invent, create, experience, and destroy things with thoughts alone,” is a common saying. This is precisely why it’s so important to clear what doesn’t serve you and provide space for what does.

Health is not just about what we’re eating. It’s also about what we’re thinking, saying, and doing. The misconception that only genetics and eating habits determine our health is just that – a misconception. The conversation you have with yourself in the privacy of your own mind has a lot to do with your overall health. Unfortunately, our minds are often bombarded with trivial things that weigh us down, leaving little room for growth.

We spend so much of our life focusing on things and people that ultimately don’t really matter. Just imagine if that energy and focus were redirected toward something and someone more! By clearing what doesn’t serve you, the opportunities are endless.

Seven ways to clear what doesn’t serve you:

1. Stop surrounding yourself with people who have negative energy

This may be people who are constantly complaining or who are always criticizing you. Remove yourself from their energy as best you can – life is hard enough without dealing with these kinds of people. When you spend your time with people who motivate you and drive you to reach your best potential, you will feel rejuvenated and alive. This is likely easier said than done, so begin with setting clearer boundaries with these people – it’s one of the ultimate forms of self-care!

2. Stop pretending to be okay with things you’re not okay with

Perhaps it stems from an inability to communicate or a need to please other people, but pretending to be okay with things you are not okay with is a huge burden. If something isn’t working for you, don’t be afraid to speak up. This may be trickier in the workplace and may require some finesse depending on the situation, but the sooner you’re able to do this, the lighter you will feel. Practice saying no, even if you have to practice alone in the mirror! The more you flex this muscle, the easier it will be and the more you’ll feel at ease with yourself.

3. Don’t let self-sabotage, fear, or negative self-talk get in the way

We’re all guilty of it, but we really underestimate the power that little voice inside our head has. When you tell yourself you’re not smart enough, pretty enough, worthy enough, etc., you come to believe it. Your sense of self-worth can make or break you.

Use your inner voice to build yourself up instead of tearing yourself down. When you let fear dictate your decisions or stop you from going after what you want, you may think you are minimizing your risk of failure, when really you have already failed. In the words of Babe Ruth, “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from coming up to bat.” In fact, research has shown that those who take risks might actually be smarter because they’ve learned from past mistakes!

4. Relinquish control over situations you cannot change

You can’t control everything and everyone, and you certainly can’t control other people’s actions. You can only control your actions and especially your reactions. There is a famous quote that says, “Worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” Letting go of worry will bring you a new sense of buoyancy. Anytime a situation comes up where you become frustrated over the outcome or how someone else is handling it, take a few deep breaths and then ask yourself, “What does worrying get me in this situation?” Chances are, the answer will be, “Nothing!”

5. Let go of your need to have all the answers

As humans, we have an innate desire to make sense of everything, but it’s okay to not know. Accept the fact that sometimes things may not make sense to you. You don’t need to drive yourself crazy overanalyzing every little thing that has happened and asking yourself why. Time is too precious to waste. More often than not, you’ll better understand a situation or problem later even if you can’t make sense of it now.

6. Stop expecting someone or something to save you

There is no knight riding in on a white horse or a prince or princess suddenly awakening you from a deep slumber with a kiss. Life is not a Disney movie, but guess what? You don’t need saving! Everything you need is likely already inside you.

To harness this knowledge, believe in yourself and know you are perfectly capable of saving yourself if and when the need arises. While having a good support system is important and it’s comforting to know there are people who can help you when you need it, knowing you can take care of yourself boosts confidence and increases feelings of safety.

7. Acknowledge your mistakes without dwelling on them or the past

Letting go of the past actually opens up room for other (better!) things to come into your life – trust the process and let yourself move on. Have faith that something or someone in the past is meant to be there (at least for the time being). Leaving the past in the past doesn’t mean you’re forgetting or ignoring it; instead, you’re focusing on the present as well as your future. Acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them, take the lessons, and apply them to your future. After all, as the proverb says, “A mistake is only a mistake when you don’t learn from it. Otherwise, it is a lesson.”

Serving yourself

Do any of these resonate with you? Some may more than others. I wish I could say I’ve mastered all of these, but the truth is, like everyone, I’m still a work in progress. However, I have made huge strides in clearing what doesn’t serve me personally, and as a result, I have learned to be a better communicator and a better friend. Making room for the positive paved the way for many professional opportunities and much personal growth. Clear what doesn’t serve you and start living your best life – you deserve it!

My training with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition helped me realize this aspect of my health – emotional and mental well-being – is just as important as my physical health. As a physician, I’m bringing awareness of this holistic approach to my patients, but you don’t need to be a physician to start creating holistically healthy habits. By learning to have healthier internal conversations, you can start reaping the benefits externally. Learn more about this holistic approach to wellness by taking a free Sample Class today!

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