Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

How This Grad Is Reframing “Having It All” for New Mothers

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:29:03 AM

In honor of World Health Day, IIN wants to say “thank you!” to the healthcare workers in our community. We’re providing content all month long that highlights the important work they are doing to keep our loved ones and communities healthy and safe now and well into the future. These incredible nurses, physicians, midwives, doulas, and researchers are making our world a healthier place, one day at a time.

IIN: What were you doing prior to your enrollment at IIN? What inspired you to enroll?

Janelle: I was working full-time as a marketing manager at a Rhode Island–based multimillion-dollar jewelry company and teaching yoga a few times a week at a local studio. I was inspired to enroll at IIN through pure curiosity, passion for wellness, and my own journey with disordered eating, gut health imbalances, and anxiety.

IIN: What are you doing now?

Janelle: Now I have my own practice, Live Well with Janelle, where I guide overstressed women to overcome their life stressors and reconnect with their true selves for lifelong self-love and wellness. I also work with moms, supporting them in their transitions throughout early motherhood. I have certifications in prenatal and postnatal yoga and am training as a postpartum doula.

I primarily work with clients one on one either virtually or in person. I have my signature Live Well with Janelle 5-Day Reset, which is a free five-day challenge to reduce inflammatory foods and increase clean, whole foods. Last spring, I hosted a four-week online group program that was super successful, and I am currently redesigning it to host again this spring. I often host events, such as yoga classes and group circle work. I’ve also had the unique opportunity to work with select schools and organizations in the state, allowing me to teach or coach clients during their school- and workday.

I’m currently niching my practice to support moms, and I’m building a few programs to launch next fall/winter to support them.

IIN: What compelled you to want to work with women during this important transitional time? What value do you feel Health Coaches bring to this work?

Janelle: I feel so compelled to work with moms specifically because I witness very little support for them postpartum, whenever that may be. Much of the attention goes to the child/children, and we seldom remember mom. She tends to put herself last, and I know that she can’t live to her fullest potential if she maintains that mind-set and behavior. She needs to feel her best in order to show up for her family, friends, and work. I believe strongly that Health Coaches can help women during their transitions in motherhood by offering support, empowerment, and education, whether it’s to nourish her body with the proper nutrients and exercise, remind her of her passions and desires in life, or navigate the ever-changing work/life/family balance.

IIN: What is one thing you think people often misconceive/get wrong about working with this population?

Janelle: I think people often misconceive that moms can just “do it all.” While yes, they’re certainly capable of doing whatever they want, that doesn’t mean they can do it all at once and do it all well.

IIN: How has IIN and your IIN education helped you build and grow your business?

Janelle: IIN gave me so many tools to help me build my business. First and foremost, the confidence to follow my dreams – it was during the program that I left my comfort zone of working full-time in corporate to go off on my own and follow my gut. They helped me tremendously on the business side in building my initial one-on-one client offering with all the support documents. I learned so much on the education side; I’m constantly going back to my lessons, especially on nutrition and hormones. IIN continues to support me by giving me opportunities like this to share my business and connect with the community.

IIN: This World Health Day, what do you want the IIN community to know?

Janelle: As Health Coaches, it’s easy to put ourselves last (just like moms!), but in order to best serve our clients, community, and families, we need to be feeling our best, too. Prioritize nourishing your mind, body, and soul with the love and care it deserves just like we coach our clients. Trust yourself, don’t be afraid of making mistakes, learn, and continue to evolve.


If you’re already working in the healthcare field and want to explore what it would be like to add “Integrative Nutrition Health Coach” to your credentials, check out what makes the IIN curriculum stand out from the rest.