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How Much Hidden Sugar Are You Eating Without Even Knowing It?

You probably know that chocolate bars and gummy bears are full of sugar, but what if some of your favorite health foods were actually sugar traps? 

A lot of healthy foods contain hidden sugars, and we eat them without even thinking twice. 

It really comes down to one major issue: marketing tactics. 

Through the use of labels like “all natural” and “100% pure,” companies trick buyers into thinking foods that are actually jam-packed with sugar are healthy staples. 

This is really sad, because the same foods that are labeled as healthy could be destroying your health. 

Australian actor Damon Gameau was off sugar for three years, and he recently ate 40 teaspoons of the sweet stuff every day for 40 days for documentary That Sugar Film – an experiment inspired when he noticed the great divide between people who believe sugar is toxic and those who believe it’s crucial for energy. 

The catch is that Gameau didn’t stuff his face with gummy candies all day – he ate common “health” foods that are actually packed with sugar. Things like flavored yogurt, granola bars, and cereal. How crazy is that? 

On his 40-day hidden-sugar-filled fest, Gameau gained nearly 19 pounds and almost four inches of visceral belly fat – the most dangerous kind of fat. He also greatly increased his risk of heart disease, and developed pre-type-2 diabetes. He also reported rollercoaster moods and mental function. 

So, what’s the lesson? Read food labels, especially on items you assume to be healthful. 

Ideally, choose foods that have no label, like fresh fruits and vegetables. 

In particular, watch out for these five foods: 

  1. Flavored, packaged yogurt.
  2. Cereal.
  3. Bottled sauces and dressings.
  4. Low-fat packaged foods like cookies and crackers (yes, 100-calorie packs too).
  5. Granola bars. 

These five foods are tirelessly marketed as healthy and often contain more sugar than chocolate sauce – seriously. Don’t fall victim to this marketing trap. Get smart and stay healthy! 

What’s your stance on sugar? Do you eat any of the five foods listed above? Share in the comments below. 

What if the world knew about this too? Wouldn't it be a better place? Use the social tools to spread the word! 


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