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How Joanna Puciata Launched Her Skincare Line and Health Coaching Career

A full-time mom of four children, Joanna Puciata admits she did not know who she was outside of her role as mother and wife. With a passion for health, she wanted to pursue her calling, but was not in a position to go back to college and “turn my whole life upside down,” she said.  

Today, Joanna is a 2012 graduate from the Health Coach Training Program, which was her springboard into a fulfilling new career. Joanna found the confidence to start her own health coaching business based in Chicago, as well as develop a customized holistic skincare line with limited edition products for the European fashion collection M’Oyo.  Joanna now sees endless possibilities for her career and future. Read on to find out how she used her education to transform her life.

What were you doing before you enrolled at Integrative Nutrition?

I was a mother of four and a wife. One day, my oldest son moved out and went to follow his dream in San Francisco. He told me not to stop him because “yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown, and all we have is today.” I didn’t know what to do with “today” without him. I envisioned the other three leaving the house and felt empty. Who was I without my kids? What was my calling?

How did your life change after the Health Coach Training Program?

The very first lecture was about the importance of being fulfilled in life and following your own dreams, not the dreams of others. The minute I heard this, something happened. I got hungry for knowledge and satisfaction. 

I always wanted to write. I just published my first book Vague Memories and won the National Down Syndrome Society’s contest for my story about my sister. I became a Health Coach who – with credentials – had the right to talk about cosmetic toxicity and the importance of detox. And I designed my own fresh and totally holistic skincare line, working on a limited edition for a European fashion collection.   

Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you?

Integrative Nutrition taught me that nothing is impossible. I always knew it, but I never tuned into it. I never had the time to hear myself with kids, boring jobs, and daily routine in the way. That is until Joshua asked, “Who are you?” I was too busy with everybody else to think about it, but once I did, I surprised myself with my own readiness to take action and live my best life.  Sorry Oprah, credit goes to Joshua!

What makes you and your practice unique?

Studying here at Integrative Nutrition taught me to be open-minded, to not impose my views on others, and to listen first. I can always hear Joshua in my head saying “No one diet. No one lifestyle. No one…”

How do you help your clients be successful?

I finally found my niche and became a gluten practitioner. I live in the suburbs of Chicago where our only health food store is always packed. People around me are seeking alternative therapies and supplements, but are often confused without proper guidance. I am there to guide.

What do you love about your work?

I am free to choose how I work and where. My counseling sessions give me satisfaction and my cosmetic company is my creation, giving me the sense of being unique. I work day and night and don’t waste a minute. I do it with such happiness. I am driven by hunger.

Connect with Joanna:
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