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The Goals These Four IIN Health Coaches Are Setting This Year (And How They’re Using Their IIN Education to Achieve Them)

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 3:09:38 PM

The start of every new year brings a lot of excitement, but it can also bring a lot of anxiety around goal- and resolution-setting. We asked some of our Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches about the intentions, goals, or affirmations they were setting this year, and more importantly, how they are going to set out to achieve them using the tools they received during their IIN education.

Grayce Muffler 

IIN Graduate, 2021 

Instagram: @givinggrayce 


My biggest intention for 2023 is to help others and allow them to find the healing that they deserve. I spent the majority of 2022 very sick with Lyme Disease and am now finally making it through to the other side. Although the journey has been incredibly challenging, it has also taught me so many skills and lessons that I am now so grateful for and can take with me in each of my businesses.  

It is my greatest passion in life to help others when it comes to their health and wellness, which is exactly why I enrolled in IIN in the first place. I always said, "Someday I will help others when it comes to their health, I just don't yet know exactly what that means," and I spent years trying to narrow it down to just one thing. IIN taught me that I can make a career doing all the things that I love and helped me realize that they're actually all incredibly related (primary + secondary food!).  

This year, I would love to continue growing my business and work with even more clients to teach them how to heal themselves, based on my own experience and knowledge within this space. I would also love to continue growing my food business and begin selling to even more retailers nationwide (Erewhon and Whole Foods, I'm looking at you!).  

I know that this will take a lot of hard work and dedication, but I truly believe that when you're on the right path and doing something that fulfills your soul, with time the opportunities will come. I am so beyond passionate about the work that I do and know that none of this would be possible without the tools and confidence that I gained from IIN. 

Farah Nofal 

IIN Graduate, 2016 

Instagram: @farahnofal__ 

My goal and intention this year is to launch my Health and Movement App, where I share all things related to Wellness, as well as everything I’ve learned from IIN (and much more)! I intend to always inspire and make a change in other lives and my own! 

Ali Fiorella 

IIN Graduate, 2021 

Instagram: @alifiorella

Something I am focusing on in 2023 is following my own intuition and continuing to deepen my connection with myself, while also empowering other women to do the same. I truly believe by connecting more deeply with ourselves, we can create optimal well-being and meet our highest selves, opening us up to a whole new way of living! 

‘BE YOUR OWN NORTH STAR’ - a phrase from my 2023 vision board that I am leaning into.  This serves as both an intention and mantra for me, empowering me to follow my own intuition and inner wisdom, take ownership of my vision and dreams, stay aligned, and believe in and trust myself throughout the process. We are the only ones that truly know what is best for ourselves, our deepest desires, what makes us feel good, and what lights us up!  

It’s easy to get caught up in the noise, comparison, and the opinions of others. Bringing mindfulness practices into my daily life has helped me to become more present with what is true and aligned for me. Some of my absolute favorite tools that I plan to dive deeper into this year are meditation, journaling, breathwork, and mindful eating. All mindfulness practices I learned during my IIN training and things I’m incorporating into my coaching to empower others on their own healing journeys.

Chef Carla Contreras  

IIN Graduate, 2010 

Instagram: @chefcarlacontreras 


I am focusing on creating my Health Coach lifestyle in 2023. This is a concept that I learned after taking the newly revamped IIN Health Coach Training Program (after 12 years of being an alumnus!). To me, creating my Health Coach lifestyle means living in alignment with what is taught in the program and what resonates with my own bio-individual needs. The three main areas that I am focusing on are: Maintaining and building relationships, my physical embodiment, and pursuing creativity for pleasure. I will be sharing how my year unfolds on my podcast, Show Up Fully.