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IIN Blog
Does Every ...
Published: June 8, 2024

Does Every Health Coach Need a Blog?

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Back in 2007 I had just gone off sugar and dairy. I was halfway through yoga teacher training and had enrolled at IIN. My world was changing and it was exciting!

But frankly, my boyfriend (now husband) was a little less excited than I was. Sure, he’d listen to me wax poetic about flax seeds and green smoothies. But after a few months he suggested I find another outlet for my newfound knowledge. A way to connect with others who...ahem...cared perhaps more than he did.

He said, “You should start a blog!” So I did.

In 2007, the blog world was very different. I had a very basic blog and no clue what I was doing. Social media was in its infancy...I don’t even think I had a Facebook profile.

Yet somehow I gained loyal followers. And when I started my health coaching business, they followed my journey and many became clients along the way.

My blog has grown and changed quite a bit since 2007 but it remains a cornerstone of my business success.

So, should YOU start a blog? Maybe.

Do you love to write?

If so, blogging could be for you. It’s a relatively easy way to publish your unique take on health and wellness, use your voice and establish yourself as an authority. Plus, I think it’s a lot of fun!

But if writing feels like a drag, forget it. You don’t need one more thing on your to­-do list that makes you feel guilty. Nobody wants to read half­hearted blog posts anyway! You’ll have more success communicating with a medium that is comfortable for you, such as video, audio or in­-person speaking.

Do you want an online business?

If you intend to work in the online space, blogging can be a big piece of your marketing plan (along with social media!) After all, Google searches can bring new clients to your website and your blog posts could be shared far and wide on Facebook. I get a huge kick out of seeing some of my posts shared thousands of times around the web.But if you prefer to work locally and in person, blogging can take a backseat. In fact, you could be wasting your time trying to connect online when your people are right in front of you.

Do you have some technical know­-how?

Blogs have become much more sophisticated, and so have blog readers. Successful blogs don’t just have great articles – they have clean layouts, social media sharing tools and lots of other widgets working behind the scenes. If you are going to invest your time into writing a blog you must also be willing to get techy from time to time. Nerding out on Wordpress should excite you a little.

Don’t worry – just because you aren’t computer savvy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t write. But you may have more success contributing articles to other sites, writing for print publications or simply focusing on your newsletter.

Are you a photographer? A designer?

Probably not, but the best blogs also have creative flair. Basic photography and design skills help a ton. There are so many blogs on the internet these days – yours should look beautiful and professional.

Remember – there is no one formula for success. I’ve used my strengths, worked hard, stayed consistent...and had a little luck along the way. Do what comes most naturally to YOU to find your path and succeed with your business.

Michelle Pfennighaus, IIN Class of 2009 and star of the movie “Lemonade,” has been seen on ABC, CBS and NPR with her inspiring story of reinvention. As a health coach and business mentor, she has worked with clients around the world. Connect with Michelle on her website and on Facebook and Twitter.

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