Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

How IIN Helped Me Realize My Full Potential, Featuring Mike Trugman

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:04:40 AM

In addition to empowering our students to find ways of living and eating that make them feel like their happiest, healthiest selves, we provide the coaching, business-building tools, and knowledge to create a successful wellness career. In this series, you’ll hear from IIN students and graduates who share their inspiring stories about how IIN helped them realize the work their hearts were meant to pursue, from health coaching and beyond. These stories have the power to unite us in continuing our mission to spread the ripple effect of health and happiness, one Health Coach at a time.

Mike Trugman is a life coach who helps his clients deliberately create lives of purpose and fulfillment. He is particularly passionate about helping men live more confidently, both personally and professionally. You can find out more about Mike and his coaching services on his website:

What were you doing prior to enrolling in IIN’s Health Coach Training Program?

“I was about five years into my career in tax accounting, working at a midsize firm.”

When did you start to feel a disconnect between what you were doing and how you were feeling? How did you try to address those feelings?

“There was always a part of me that felt a disconnect between what I was doing and how I was feeling, but I was dismissive of it. I did not think anyone was supposed to like their job, but rather the whole point of a job was just to make as much money as possible so I could have fun outside work.

“Toward the end of 2018, my frustration and anxiety were really growing. I could not see a future for myself in accounting, but I truly had no idea where to turn. I just knew I wanted to provide a service where I felt more connected to people.

“To this day, I do not know what compelled me to make my next move: hiring a life coach. I just knew I needed help very badly and did not know where else to turn. I hired my coach in January 2019. At that point, I had already made significant lifestyle changes. My journey involved losing about 30 pounds and, most importantly, reducing all the hallmark signs of inflammation: brain fog, chronic fatigue, and anxiety, to name a few. With my newfound love of nutrition, I decided to enroll at IIN with the help of my life coach.”

As your actions started to align with your true feelings, what changes did you notice in your physical and emotional health?

“It is hard to overstate my gain in confidence, which has manifested in all areas of my life. I was the last person anyone would expect to see putting himself out there – I had always been very fear-driven and shy. If three years ago you told me I would be running my own coaching business, I – and everyone I know – would have laughed in your face.

“With specific regard to physical and emotional health, I felt more energized, engaged, and empowered. I was more alive, and I found myself excited by challenges rather than fearing them!”

How did you channel these positive changes into figuring out what you wanted out of a career?

“I knew my transformation would serve as a powerful story. I also knew coaching, inspiring, and helping others heal are more in alignment with my gifts than crunching numbers and hiding behind a computer.

“IIN illuminated the keys to living a prosperous, fulfilling, joyous, and meaningful life. I feel it is my obligation to share these gifts with the world and help others realize they can create the lives they have always envisioned for themselves as well.”

How did IIN’s Health Coach Training Program help you put yourself out there when it came to your career? Did it help land you in the kind of role you were ultimately seeking?

“It helped me in many ways, but the most important was community. I have connected with so many other amazing alumni and students. With their support and guidance, I feel so much more confident in navigating the uncertainty of starting new ventures.

“Amazingly, IIN helped me land two roles I was ultimately seeking!

“My primary goal was always to start my own practice, so IIN absolutely helped me get the ball rolling with coaching. An underrated part of IIN is the business resources – learning how to market, sell, and start a business were all part of the curriculum. I have gone from someone who would have been terrified to put myself out there to a confident salesperson and communicator.

“The second role came completely unexpectedly. I attended a networking event promoting my soon-to-be-launched coaching business and serendipitously ended up sitting next to a CPA who is a partner at a small firm. When promoting myself, I mentioned I was currently a CPA looking to pursue my passion in life coaching.

“It doesn’t seem like it would land me my next job in accounting, does it? I didn’t think so, either, but the partner liked the way I carried myself and said he could use someone with my background. Throughout the interview process, they continued to reinforce I would have the flexibility to build my coaching business and could scale back on accounting work as my business grew.

“I’ll never forget that moment. It’s a powerful reminder to be open and present to whatever is happening in the moment. There’s so much opportunity out there if you’re willing to look for it.”

If you could give one piece of advice to your pre-IIN self, what would it be?

“Stop worrying so much about what other people think, and don’t try to please everyone.”

When it comes to pursuing a career in health and wellness with an IIN education, the possibilities are endless. The health coaching philosophy can be applied to any professional setting, which provides IIN graduates with incredible opportunities to get innovative in curating the type of career – and future – they’ve always dreamed of. Learn more about what makes our Health Coach Training Program the perfect choice for your health and wellness education by downloading our free Curriculum Guide today.