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Rebecca Robin's Posts

How Often Should You Eat? An In-Depth Guide

As an individual with your own body type, nutritional needs, and eating habits, your eating schedule may look entirely different than that of a friend or coworker. Some people thrive off a filling ...

How to Reset and Speed Up Your Metabolism

What does your metabolism do? The wellness industry loves to talk about “boosting” and “revving up” metabolism, but what does that actually mean? Metabolism is a process of chemical reactions in the ...

How to Start a Health Coaching Business

Taking the plunge. One of the biggest fears that can hold you back from making a change or trying something new is the belief that it’s all-or-nothing once you take the plunge. This is human nature: ...

How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

Weight loss is a different process for everyone. The rate at which you see results ultimately boils down to your bio-individual makeup and lifestyle – such as age, sex, activity levels, and ...

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