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Katy Weniger's Posts

Life as a Health Coach

What Wellness Coaches Do Wellness Coaches work with clients to help them achieve health-related goals and make changes in their lives by providing guidance and accountability. Coaches can work with ...

Eight Benefits of Clove You Didn't Know About

Sweet and a little spicy, cloves are an autumn spice staple. Harvested from evergreen trees native to South America and Asia, cloves have historically been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines. ...

The Nurse Health Coach Career Path

As more people recognize the value of nutrition in the healthcare industry, Health Coaches are becoming more common in healthcare spaces than ever before. In a hospital or physician’s office, Health ...

The Seven Healthiest Seeds for Your Diet

Besides making great additions to salads, soups, trail mixes, and snacks, seeds pack a big nutritional punch considering their size. While not as popular as nuts, seeds offer just as much nutritional ...

How to Become an Online Wellness Coach

The field of health and wellness is rapidly expanding as people focus more on their own health and well-being and seek out all the information available on these subjects. If you find yourself ...
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