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Katy Weniger's Posts

Seven Tips for Starting a New Job or Career

Whether you’re moving to a new company or starting to work for yourself, new situations can be overwhelming. Running your own business brings its own set of challenges, and becoming a business owner ...

What Is a Spiritual Awakening?

For as long as religion and spirituality have existed, people have been experiencing spiritual awakenings. These moments begin when people step back and take a deep look into their lives, realizing ...

Integrative Nutrition: A Way of Life

Integrative nutrition combines the principles of traditional nutrition guidelines and functional nutrition to provide a more individualized approach to eating and living. It goes beyond basic dietary ...

Virtual Wellness Coaches: What Do They Do?

Even as parts of the world reopen, many people are opting to stay remote when it comes to their careers. They enjoy the flexibility of working from home, wherever home happens to be. Health and ...

Becoming a Certified Nutritionist

The field of health and wellness is rapidly expanding as people focus more on their own health and well-being and seek out all the information available on how to best feed themselves and others. If ...

How to Create a Health Coach Business Plan

Through fostering a positive mindset around health and well-being, health coaches empower and motivate their clients to become experts on their health. Health coaches have the tools and knowledge to ...

How to Reverse Aging

As much as we may want to hold back the passage of time, it’s still going to fly by! Kids will grow up, we’ll develop gray hair and crow’s-feet, and we will slow down. Even so, we can mitigate how it ...
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