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Integrative Nutrition's Posts

5 Tips to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

Does public speaking make you cringe? If yes, I have good news. You are not alone. They say that people fear public speaking more than death. I used to be one of those people. There was a time in ...

How to Earn a Living as a Health Coach

Hi! I’m Lindsey Smith, IIN Class of 2010, also known as the Food Mood Girl. I am an inspirational speaker and author. I am passionate about helping people understand that salads and smoothies won’t ...

Black Garlic: A New Superfood?

At first glimpse, you might not be so enthralled to put black garlic on your dinner plate. But looks can be deceiving. Does it resemble little jelly-like pebbles of coal? Sure. But its sweet, ...

DIY Cleaners for a Less Toxic Home

Winter’s almost over, and soon it will be time for spring cleaning and organizing. This year, consider making your own cleaners to save money and reduce chemicals in your home. The Environmental ...

IIN Recipe Blog Roundup

Check out these delicious and healthy recipes from our incredible IIN graduates! If you're hungry for more head over to our IIN Recipe Blog showcasing a variety of recipes that cater to diets of all ...

Twisting for Digestion

Your digestive system can be disrupted by food, movement, stress level, hormones, and much more! The good news is there’s a variety of natural ways to help improve your digestion and keep your body ...
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