Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

A Registered Nurse on the Front Line of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Why Health Coaches Are Needed Now More Than Ever

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 1:11:08 PM

In honor of World Health Day, IIN wants to say “thank you!” to the healthcare workers in our community. We’re providing content all month long that highlights the important work they are doing to keep our loved ones and communities healthy and safe now and well into the future. These incredible nurses, physicians, midwives, doulas, and researchers are making our world a healthier place, one day at a time.

IIN: What were you doing prior to your enrollment at IIN? What inspired you to enroll?

Valerie: Prior to IIN, I was working as a telephonic nurse case manager for a global health insurance company aiding in the prevention of hospital readmissions. I was inspired to further my health education after a personal experience related to adrenal fatigue coupled with my strong passion for health and wellness.

IIN: What are you doing now?

Valerie: Since the Covid-19 crisis, my role in the insurance industry has shifted temporarily to a 24/7 triage nurse. Alongside my nursing career, I am also coaching private clients who suffer from autoimmune disease and adrenal fatigue. As a nurse, I’m collaborating with different members of the healthcare team on a regular basis.

IIN: What value do you feel Health Coaches bring to this team?

Valerie: My collaboration with different members of the healthcare team has made me realize that while doctors are taught to diagnose and treat disease, they lack the training in applying holistic habits to the daily lifestyle. Health Coaches, on the other hand, are able to approach wellness from a different perspective by homing in on the importance of nourishment on and off the plate, exercise, and self-care. As Health Coaches, we are trained to address clients as a whole, taking every factor into consideration.

IIN: Do you think there are misconceptions in the traditional healthcare community about health coaching? How are you communicating the benefits of health coaching to your peers in the medical community?

Valerie: Although there are still some misconceptions in traditional healthcare concerning the role of a Health Coach, change is already on the horizon. With chronic disease on the rise, people are struggling now more than ever. Many practitioners I communicate with regularly are beginning to understand the value of Health Coaches and are collaborating with them more frequently. My experience at IIN has inspired a few colleagues to also enroll in the program.

IIN: How has IIN and your IIN education helped you in your current career and with starting your new health coaching practice?

Valerie: My IIN education has provided me with deeper insight on the importance of primary food and has encouraged me to dig deep in order to pinpoint and address the root cause of illness. IIN has helped me start my health coaching practice by equipping me with both the business and health aspects of coaching. I’m in the process of building out my website, but you can learn more about me on my Instagram.

IIN: This World Health Day, what do you want the IIN community to know?

Valerie: As a Health Coach, you play a significant role in today’s society as you contribute tremendous information and techniques to improve lives mentally and physically – not to mention your incredible flexibility in customizing methods and advice to meet people where they are in their times of struggle. So, keep doing the work you are doing, Health Coaches. You are all making a difference!


If you’re already working in the healthcare field and want to explore what it would be like to add “Integrative Nutrition Health Coach” to your credentials, check out what makes the IIN curriculum stand out from the rest.