Health and wellness is one of the hottest fields to work in today. What if I told you that there’s a simple way to get qualified to work in this field, without giving up your full time job?
Getting your nutrition degree online is feasible for a lot of people. These days it’s so cool because you can study just about anything online, from hardcore nutrition to life coaching to business and everything in between.
Have you ever taken a course online? Share your experience in the comments below.
If you’re passionate about health and wellness, there are a number of good reasons to get your nutrition degree online:
It’s clear that online learning is the way to go, and we at IIN are so excited to be part of that movement. With our Health Coach Training Program, you can learn from anywhere in the world and you can build a career you love in one year.
All of our course material is available online and via smart phone app, so you can literally take it with you anywhere. Pretty cool, right?
The Health Coach Training Program is very reasonably priced in terms of tuition, and many payment plans are available. On top of that, some of our students even pay back their tuition before they graduate, since you can start seeing clients halfway through the program when you get your mid-certificate.
Health coaching is transforming the healthcare system, and millions of lives. By taking your health into your own hands and then sharing that knowledge with others, you spread the ripple effect in a big way.
No matter where you are in life, it’s never a bad time to create the career and life that you’ve always dreamed of. Our students are 18-80 years old, and have such an ageless quality about them. Anyone who sets a clear intention can do this work and be successful.
Have you considered going back to school? What’s your experience with online learning, if any? It’s pretty revolutionary stuff.
Do you love the job you have now? How would going back to school and starting a new career change your life? Share in the comments below.
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