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IIN Staff Picks: What We’re Reading and Learning About Right Now

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:43:12 AM

Rebecca Robin, IIN Content Editor

In honor of World Health Day, we are taking the month of April to thank our health care workers, nurses, and researchers who go above and beyond to support our health. Here at IIN, our goal is to supplement that support and cater toward our community’s physical and mental health needs.

In place of a dinner out or game night with friends, many of us have turned to Zoom chats, Netflix marathons, or virtual games to decompress. As humans, wecrave these diversions to stimulate both our mental and social needs, helping us to wind down at the end of each day.

Remember that all this screen time is great in moderation, but reading a good book or taking up a new hobby are also great options to help keep your eyes off the screen for a bit.

We’ve asked our coworkers to share what they are reading and doing to keep busy during off-screen hours:

“To stay inspired and positive during this time, I am rereading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. This book always brings me back to the present moment and the joy of just being.”

– Rachel Lajoie, Admissions

“I'm spending time in my garden. Planting vegetables, herbs, and flowers helps me feel productive and connected to nature. It’s very grounding to have your hands in the dirt.”

– Merritt Tracy, Education

“Reading Hold Me Tight on Audible! Excellent book on attachment theory and reconnection in relationships.”

– Roxi Ocasio, Education

“I've been mesmerized by latte art tutorial videos on YouTube. But I still can’t seem to get the designs just right after the 27th time! That’s okay – I'm inspired to keep trying! I'm progressing every time! But who knew it was such a science?”

– Amy Kobos, Education

Atomic Habits by James Clear (personal growth) and The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult (book club).”

– Kristin Akbasli, Education 

“I am currently rereading the Harry Potter series as I find it to be a comforting world to go back to.”

– Megan Turner, A/V

“Knitting while listening to audio books!”

– Dana McNaught, Student Success

“I recently read The Dutch House by Ann Patchett, and I recommend it because it’s such an engaging story. It has sad moments, but it’s not depressing. Right now, I’m staying away from anything too serious, scary, or apocalyptic.”

– Lorraina Morrison, Project Management

“I'm rereading the part of Angela Thirkell’s Barsetshire series that is set in rural England during WWII because so many of the situations her characters experience – sudden unexplained shortages of very specific foods, being crowded in with or separated from family, living through the uncertainty of threats outside your control that have no set end time – resonate with where we are today and help me put things in perspective.”

– Libby Romfh, Project Management

The Grace Kelly Dress.”

– Rease Cassity, Education

“Reading Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and learning music virtually with friends.”

– Samvida Patel, Marketing

“Recent reads: The Outsider (Stephen King), Agile for Everybody (Matt Lemay). Upcoming read: Little Women (Louisa May Alcott).”

– Christopher Denver, Project Management

“Keeping up with bimonthly blog, finally (slowly) reading The Goldfinch, catching up on a long phone call with a different friend every few days, virtual ‘brunch’ with friends – and my family just started a weekly virtual ‘happy hour’ with family friends.”

– Jamie Wolff, Education

“Watching how-to videos on YouTube – specifically building/upgrading/customizing PCs.”

– George R., Marketing Tech

La Sospecha de Sofia – Paloma Sanchez Garnica.”

– Susana A. Benitez, Admissions

Jackie, Janet & Lee.”

– Anna Glennon, Education

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.”

– Zack Bodenweber, Admissions


What are you doing to stay busy and inspired? Tell us in the comments below or tag us on Instagram @nutritionschool.