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Published: June 8, 2024

Meet our June 2019 Leadership in Health Coaching Award Recipients

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Congratulations to our Leadership in Health Coaching Award recipients for the HCTP January 2019 class! Integrative Nutrition believes in, supports, and celebrates all our incredible graduates for spreading the ripple effect of health and happiness in the world. The Leadership in Health Coaching Award was created to recognize the amazing accomplishments of our graduates, specifically those doing outstanding work that aligns with Integrative Nutrition’s core mission. Learn more about the winners below!


Sheri Zillioux

Buffalo, NY


What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

I have owned a weight loss center since 2016. Prior to that I was the Practice Administrator at two area medical practices for 20 years. In 2014, I lost 42 pounds and improved my health and that’s when I realized I no longer wanted to work behind the scenes but wanted to work directly with people to guide them change their lives.

How did your life change after enrolling?

I went through my own transformation. I started working out again for the first time in years, I started working on ways to reduce my own stress, and finally took that vacation that I had put off for years. I have just been more in tune with my body.


Sarita Rodriguez-Breese

Las Vegas, NV

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

I was a pro makeup artist and personal stylist for a combined 16 years. I expanded my business by going virtual. I began taking clients from all over the country doing virtual personalized instructional sessions with them in makeup and wardrobe consultations. My clients consisted of all races, genders and lifestyle. Aside from that, I was also a contributing makeup instructor for an international makeup school. For community work, I was volunteering at a women's shelter doing self-development and job preparation workshops once a week.

How did your life change after enrolling?

I did not know that IIN would play a part in my healing. I had a very traumatic childhood and most of my adult life was in chaos, due to my childhood. I did not know that in my seeking to help other people that God would use IIN to heal me first. It is really an amazing force, what you put out into the world. I have learned to manage my anxiety without taking anything, I'm no longer in a cycle of depression and I've laid to rest my eating disorder. I am more self-aware, use tools I learned to help me instead of reacting to everything. I am mostly a better mother because I have now healed that part of me that was hindering me. My son and I are healthier and happier in so many ways because of what I learned from IIN.

Rebekah Torres

Hayward, CA

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

I have always had a passion for nutrition since I was a child. What really motivated me to become a nutrition health coach were my two boys, especially the oldest who is autistic. Throughout his eating struggles, I realized wanted to be more effective with helping him, as well as other parents and children.

How did your life change after enrolling

My small group coach, Susan Yeoman, was amazing! I honestly loved all the speakers from our modules. They would ignite excitement and passion in me to be part of changing the world, one step at a time. I did especially like Joshua Rosenthal. The way that he speaks in simple terms about different ideas such as the circle of life, and how primary food is crucial, made such an impact on me.

Michael Gieg

Irvine, CA

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

High tech and nuclear power – After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1987, I served aboard a submarine, taught submarine tactics and then transitioned into a 24-year career in semiconductors as a sales engineer. I have been into high tech ever since high school with a side interest in nutrition and fitness all along.

How did your life change after enrolling?

Many things have changed – Most notably I have become passionate about helping others prevent and potentially reverse cognitive decline and other chronic diseases whenever possible via diet, nutrition and lifestyle interventions; even alongside conventional modalities as appropriate. I will be forever grateful for my IIN experience, especially for the unique training in Primary Food due to its importance in having and living a balanced life. My initial INHC work has already begun as a volunteer with the Alzheimer’s Association as an advocacy team member.

Tamsyn Nicol

Cape Town, South Africa

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

Run my own company - a creative lifestyle production company focusing on creative project & studio management with an emphasis on projects and experience that focus on sustainable living.

How did your life change after enrolling?

The circle of life is a great check in tool, which I come back to often - a reminder to balance the various primary and secondary foods.

Christina Vasili

Edmond, Oklahoma

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

Prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition I was struggling to find my purpose in life. I was an elementary school teacher who was totally burned out, constantly fighting illnesses due to stress. I was tired of feeling directionless and I knew that something had to change.

How did your life change after enrolling?

My life has changed immensely since enrolling and graduating from the program. Personally, it feels like a weight has been lifted in terms of finding my own career path and my purpose in life. I have direction and focus and I am motivated by the opportunity to help people align their health goals with their lifestyle.

Angela Foster

Terrebonne, OR

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

For employment, I was a Transportation Specialist for an outstanding Freight Brokerage by day as well as a Caregiver and Advocate by evening/weekend.

Non-profit, I mentored teens transitioning into adulthood with previous trauma or abuse and families affected by childhood cancer.

How did your life change after enrolling?

My life changed drastically! Within two weeks, I knew I was going to become a health coach and within two months, I knew I was going to focus on it full time. I quit my job as a Freight Broker and began to peel away the things that were drowning me in stress, working on myself as a priority. This was extremely difficult for me and I literally could not have done it without this training program. It has made me a better friend, loved one, Caregiver and now, Health Coach. My personal mental and physical health has improved dramatically and now am passing on not only my knowledge through coaching but also in general, encouraging others to be passionate about their communities and world. To live The Ripple Life as if it were their very roots.

Charlotte-Annabel Jago

Basel, Switzerland

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition ?

Project Manager and Organizational Change & Communications Lead in the Pharmaceutical industry

How did your life change after enrolling?

I chose the 6 month accelerated course to keep my focus laser sharp and motivation high. I loved receiving the new content each week and thoroughly enjoyed learning so many new and relevant topics. I could immediately apply what I learnt to myself, my friends and my wider community and it was a pleasure to use my new skills to help others and gain in confidence as I learnt more. Using the circle of life and focusing on Primary Foods has been an absolute life changer for me personally and many I‘ve shared it with.

Lisa Kapnick

Selah Fondeck 


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