Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Health Coach Feature: How Adi Arezzini Became a Better Business Owner by Becoming a Health Coach

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:34:09 AM

Adi Arezzini is a cofounder and the CEO of Teami Blends, a lifestyle brand that creates wellness and skincare products inspired by the health benefits of tea!

Q: What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
A: I am a cofounder and the CEO of a lifestyle brand called Teami Blends. We create wellness and skincare products based on the natural benefits of tea! I wanted to further my education in the holistic health world – both for myself and my customers so I could better help them live happier, healthier lives!

Q: What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?
A: As a business owner in the natural products space, I felt I was able to help my customers with our clean, plant-based products. But I also felt that I was missing something. I wanted to EDUCATE my customers more about health and wellness so that they were empowered to make positive choices in their lives.

Q: Has your life changed since becoming a Health Coach?
A: 100%, yes! Doing IIN’s Health Coach Training Program gave me tools to easily and simply describe benefits of certain foods and diet styles and understand primary food. I am a better person for it…and a better business owner.

Q: Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you?
A: I loved the module that dove deep into the importance of gut health. I feel that this is often overlooked since you can’t physically SEE inside your gut.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you now?
A: 6:30am wakeup to complete my 7:00am workout. At the office by 9:00am, where we do our morning staff meetings at the Teami Blends HQ. After that, it changes daily! Team meetings, marketing meetings, product development meetings, and the list goes on! I probably do 100 different things on any given day.

Q: What makes you and your practice unique?
A: At Teami Blends, we try to continuously educate our followers and customers about gut health, digestive health, and overall health by giving them easy-to-understand concepts. Health can be overly complicated: “What should I eat?” “How do I lose weight?” “What is the best way to exercise?” There’s so much info out there! We try to break it down and give people simple, applicable actions they can take in their daily lives.

Q: What do you love about your work?
A: I love seeing customer success stories after they have completed our 30-day detox program or even after they see results using our tea-infused, plant-based skincare. My heart flutters every time our brand helps someone, in some way, live a happier, healthier life.

Q: How have you seen the need for Health Coaches change over the years?
A: OMG, yes! My mom was the OG Health Coach in my life. Back when I was a child, being vegetarian/vegan was out of this world. People thought she was poisoning me because she didn’t raise me eating meat or using modern medicine. Now, in the 21st century, due to the Internet, social media, and overall social awareness, the acceptance of holistic lifestyles is far greater than 20 years ago. People need Health Coaches now more than ever. Our lives are so busy; having a Health Coach can truly guide someone and help them uncover which areas of their own life they need to work on.

Q: What’s your tip for balancing your family, work, and personal wellness?
A: It’s not easy, but it can be done! I recently saw that when my husband would come home from work, I wasn’t getting up to greet him and spend one-on-one quality time with him. We would be on our laptops or phones or watching TV. Or even watching TV WHILE doing something else on our phones. Crazy, right?! I wasn’t truly enjoying his company. When I realized this, I put in a rule for myself: When my husband gets home from work, I put my phone and laptop away in a DIFFERENT room. They aren’t even near me. I became much more present in my time with him, which was incredible! I highly recommend doing this. I put my electronics away around 7 or 8pm, and it’s been a game changer in my quality of life.

Q: Tell us your favorite way to wake up each day!
A: Exercise! I love all types of working out! Weight training, barre classes, spin classes, and running outside! If I do a workout in the morning, I will be much happier and lively the rest of the day.