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Health Coach Feature: Babes in Business Founder Chani Thompson

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:41:34 AM

Chani Thompson is a nutrition coach, speaker, blogger & vlogger, podcaster, and mentor for thousands of women around the world. Chani started out as a registered nurse specializing in anesthetics and quickly realized her health and happiness changed when she implemented certain modalities into her life and way of living. Her passion for health and business has led her to create two of the most impressive global movements around the world: a holistic wellness online community and “Babes in Business,” where she empowers women who are passionate about creating an inspired career around helping others to create the business and income of their dreams. Her message revolves around living life aligned with your highest values to allow you to be the most inspired version of yourself. Chani helps tens of thousands of people around the globe cultivate health, wealth, and abundance in a fun and holistic way.

Q: What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
A: a registered nurse

Q: What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?
A: I had just finished a year of competing in natural bodybuilding. I had won a world championship at the Natural Olympia in San Diego (competing for Australia). I was having a lot of people ask me for nutrition and health advice, so I decided to educate myself so I could better understand how my body and health had transformed so I could guide others, too.

Q: How has your life changed since becoming a Health Coach?
A: I left my nursing job a year into my health coaching; my health coaching practice was able to surpass my full-time income as a registered nurse at the one-year mark of working on it part-time, and since then (it’s been three years now), we have truly been able to create the life of our dreams. We’re currently traveling the world on our 12-month honeymoon, and it really has been the most incredible thing to do –filling your cup up and living life aligned with your values all while serving others and serving your purpose on this planet.

Q: Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you?
A: The whole food nutrition modules, where I learned the fundamentals of how food can heal you. I had spent so long in the bodybuilding world counting calories and being obsessed with the number on the scale. When my focus shifted to holistic health, meditation, joy, career, home life, and the actual energy in food and how they fuel you, my life changed.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you now?
A: I wake up and do my morning routine, which typically takes 90 minutes. (I love The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and follow his theory of morning practice.) I then start my day by doing my Big Rocks, and from 1pm to 530pm, my schedule is open for video calls with those I mentor and work with.

Q: What makes you and your practice unique?
A: I decided to collaborate with other health professionals from all different backgrounds and niches to allow all Healthstyle Emporium (HSE) members to really gain a diverse range of education and information and of course access to all types of health professionals, which I think is so important for us during our health journeys. And so The HSE is a boutique online holistic health practice with incredible women as part of the team with me, including holistic psychologists, physios, personal trainers, yoga instructors, other Health Coaches, chiropractors, nutritionists and dietitians, energy healers and reiki masters, life coaches, nurses, doctors, and so much more. And the clients + patients of these health professionals are also able to have access to The HSE. I think collaboration over competition has been the most beautiful decision in business, and it’s allowed me to cocreate something extremely magnificent and fun.

Q: How do you help your clients be successful? Is there a recent example that stands out for you?
A: We have a monthly theme in The HSE – a new topic for us all to learn about and dive into. We usually have a challenge and webinar that follow the theme of the month, so each month our clients are learning something new and learning new habits, too.

Q: What do you love about your work?
A: Seeing people’s results – there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing or hearing from a client about their transformation and the gratitude they have. It truly lights me up.

Q: How have you seen the need for Health Coaches change over the years?
A: The need for Health Coaches is extremely high. We are so used to walking into a clinic, explaining symptoms, getting diagnosed, and being sent on our merry way with what I sometimes believe is the wrong focus on how to heal. The need for Health Coaches is so high because we need that relationship with someone, someone to listen to us and to talk to, a friendship over anything else, and someone to go back to basics and offer suggestions around powerful health modalities, like holistic healing and using food as medicine. I think the more people realize health prevention can start in the home and with how we think, breathe, eat, and live, the more we could really help the world health crisis and lower chronic illness and disease. And I really believe this starts with holistic Health Coaches.

Q: What’s your tip for balancing your family, work, and personal wellness?
A: I love using asana to organize my workweek or share projects with my team so we are all on the same page in terms of what needs to be completed. The free version is awesome and what I use. I have a flow of what I do each day of the week. For example, Mondays I don’t do any calls. This is my day to dive into personal development and educate myself. Tuesdays are my content creation days. Wednesdays and Thursdays are my program-building days. Fridays are my days to do other pending Big Rocks, and weekends are my time off. I strictly do not open my work computer until after 9am, once I have done my personal self-care morning routine (I’m up at 5am), and I shut off my computer at 6pm so I can enjoy the night with my husband or family/friends for dinner and chats where I am 100% present and my phone is nowhere near me. I turn off notifications from my phone to minimize distractions, and when I’m working, I have my phone on Do Not Disturb also. Sometimes, if there is extra work to complete after dinner, I will jump back on to finish any unfinished business; however, I’m strictly done by 9pm to be in bed by 930pm, reading my book I’m reading that week. I also don’t open my schedule for calls Tuesday–Friday until after 1pm and wrap them up by 5pm.

Q: Tell us your favorite way to wake up each day!
A: My Miracle Morning looks like this:

- shower and brush teeth
- meditate – I use Joe Dispenza’s meditations with headphones
- journal
- state what I’m grateful for that day
- read my mission statement daily
- move my body
- break my fast with my plant-based, whole food smoothie. It’s the same every morning because I’m obsessed.
- start my work day