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Why You Should Be Your Own Valentine This Year

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 3:00:03 PM

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we’re bombarded with heart-shaped chocolates, romantic cards, and gift guides with tips on what to buy your significant other. If you’re in a relationship, there can be a lot of pressure to celebrate the holiday with the one you love. Even if you’re not in a relationship, there’s still a lot of pressure to celebrate – with friends, coworkers, or someone special.

You might ask yourself: “Does having a valentine really make me happy?” We often define happiness by looking at external factors, whether it’s another person, a bigger house, or a nicer car. However, the most important relationship we can have is the one we have with ourselves. Practicing self-love often takes a back seat to other “more important” aspects of life, but here’s the thing: Self-love teaches you more about your needs and values – and helps you support those you care about.

So instead of worrying about what your plans are on February 14, we encourage you to focus your attention on celebrating you. Forget the pressure, and be your own valentine this year! Here are a few ways to practice self-love and feel extra special:

  1. Get pampered. Relax and unwind with a pedicure, hot bath, massage, or facial. Pampering can also be as simple as lighting candles during a meal, watching your favorite movie, or reading your favorite magazine front to back.
  2. Treat yourself. Buy flowers to brighten your home, purchase that piece of clothing you’ve been eyeing, or take yourself on a date to a special meal and affordable (or free!) event. You deserve to take care of you!
  3. Meditate. Find inner peace and balance by silencing your cell phone, turning off email notifications, and simply claiming space for being present with yourself.
  4. Move your body. Start or end your day by working up a sweat. Schedule a fitness class or go for a run or brisk walk – grab a friend to make it more fun! Another idea: Play your favorite tunes and have a dance party right in your own home!
  5. Eat the foods you love. Eat at a restaurant you’ve been eager to try or order takeout from a recommended spot. Create space for pleasure and joy as well as physical nourishment.

Of course, there’s a wide variety of ways to practice self-love. It really comes down to what you enjoy doing most. Maybe it’s something as simple as getting a few extra hours of sleep, reading a book, or listening to music. Commit to making February 14 about you in whatever way feels most special.

Apart from practicing self-love, here are a few other reasons to consider being your own valentine:

No pressure
Let’s face it: Any holiday can add a little extra stress in our lives. Instead of worrying about making a reservation or deciding what gift your significant other is going to love, just think about what you want!

No disappointment
When you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day with your partner, it’s common to have expectations. With the pressure of gift giving comes the possibility of being disappointed with the way the day unfolds. Now is your chance to make the most of February 14 by making it all about you.

More time for positivity
Don’t think less of yourself because you’re not celebrating Valentine’s Day with a special someone. Consider changing your mind-set: You’re single because you choose to be! Squash those unhelpful thoughts by waking up and journaling what you love about yourself. Be grateful for who you are and all that you have!

What are you doing to celebrate you this February 14? Share in the comments below! And always remember, you have the best valentine out there: YOU!

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