Remain Mindful This Holday Season
Do you find yourself getting stressed during the holiday season? This time of year is filled with parties, shopping, spending, entertaining, and a list of other demands that can easily lead to overwhelm.
Instead of letting it get the best of you, take charge of the season’s stressors with these tips to remain mindful during the holiday season from Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches and medition experts Filippa and Jimmy Tjärnlund:
1. It starts with you.
The energy you send out – your thoughts, words, and feelings – creates your experience. Therefore, you are responsible for the quality of your own life. This is a natural universal process called the Law of Attraction. What you send out, you get back! This is great news; it means that if you’re not satisfied, you can choose again – and make a better choice.
The holidays can be a stressful season for your wallet, relationships, health, and energy levels. This year, you have a choice! You can allow the outside factors to affect these areas, or you can remain the best version of yourself throughout November, December, and maybe even January. How? We’ve got you covered. It starts with you, and it starts with self-responsibility.
No more blame game. It’s not the cashier’s fault that the jacket you wanted for your sister is out of stock. It’s not your mother’s fault that she puts pressure on you to cook the perfect turkey. Take a step back and stop blaming everyone. Instead, focus on what you can do. Ask yourself: “How can I take responsibility to find a happy and peaceful outcome in this situation?”
2. Meditation: Become the observer.
Follow these easy steps to connect with yourself and the harmony that is always accessible within. Become the observer and try your best not to react.
3. Turn down the volume on your thoughts.
Your thoughts are the only thing standing in your way. They are your biggest blocks. So take a look at them – even the thoughts that make you feel a little crazy! Are they true, or do you have false thoughts on repeat?
4. Don’t take anything personally.
Everyone reacts from their perspective, including you. Remain in your energy this holiday season, and don’t take in everyone else’s emotions. Do your best to practice not taking anything personally. Allow people to stay in their feelings while you take responsibility for yours. Try to live by this motto. Remember that practice makes the master.
Find easy steps to start meditating and a helpful thoughts exercise from Filippa and Jimmy in our Integrative Nutrition Mindfulness and Meditiation Guide!
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024