Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Health Coach Feature: Cameron Linville Leaves the Corporate World to Pursue Her Passion for Food and Wellness

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 3:11:55 PM

Our Health Coach Feature series shares the inspiring stories of Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches who are cultivating positive health choices and educating others to live more wholesome lifestyles. Join us twice per month on the IIN Blog to read more about what brought our grads to IIN and what they’re up to now!

Cameron Linville is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, self-taught meal-prep connoisseur, and food and wellness blogger living in New York City, with a big appetite for all things food. After working on Wall Street in sales and trading for five years, she had a life-altering moment and decided it was time to wave good-bye to the corporate world and pursue her blog, Freckled Foodie, full-time.

Growing up, food always played an important role in her family, but her journey from loving food to understanding it is a new one. As someone whose stress manifests in her stomach, she’s spent the last few years chasing and creating solutions that work for her body. On her website and Instagram, she makes a conscious effort to show the reality of her health journey, not the filtered. She believes that all you need is some time, fresh ingredients, and determination to start living your healthiest lifestyle!

Q: What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
A: Prior to my current business, Freckled Foodie, and during my enrollment at IIN, I was working in finance in the sales and trading department.

Q: What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?
A: I suffer from digestive issues and felt extremely overwhelmed by all the different diets, remedies, medicines, and suggestions I was finding online and being given by doctors. Out of my own frustration, I wanted to invest in learning more about general health to not only help my own symptoms but also eventually those who suffer from similar ailments.

Q: How has your life changed since becoming a Health Coach?
A: Exponentially! Just after graduating from IIN, I left my corporate job and began my company full-time. While health coaching is not the only service I offer, the Health Coach Training Program gave me the tools and confidence to believe in myself and follow my passion.

Q: Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you?
A: I am constantly telling people that no two individuals are the same, but before IIN I never had the correct terminology to properly explain this. Then I learned the term “bio-individuality,” and everything I had always been trying to preach to my friends, family, and followers was now easily explained in one word.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you now?
A: I wish there was such a thing! Since I offer a handful of services, including private chef work, instructing cooking classes, teaching corporate lunch & learns, health coaching, and recipe development for my blog and Instagram, my days are always changing. The one thing that is always consistent is that I partake in some type of physical activity and always enjoy a minimum of three healthy meals throughout the day.

Q: What makes you and your practice unique?
A: The fact that I offer so many services allows me to tap into many different age groups and demographics. It has really allowed me to cast a wide net, and I am so grateful for all the people I am fortunate enough to work with.

Q: How do you help your clients be successful? Is there a recent example that stands out for you?
A: I make an effort to bring something I am extremely passionate about to the table and encourage my clients to also adopt the hobby: cooking. Home-cooked meals make an extreme difference in one’s health, and cooking is my number one tip to anyone looking to begin their own health journey. Since I am so passionate about this activity, I love to help my clients find success in the kitchen by doing one-on-one classes with them and showing the techniques and tools they need to find confidence in their kitchen.

Q: What do you love about your work?
A: I love that I am helping people be the best versions of themselves! Whether it be through health coaching or physically cooking and prepping the meals for my private chef clients, they are all looking to better themselves, and I am so grateful to be included in their journey.

Q: How have you seen the need for Health Coaches change over the years?
A: I am new to the business, so I cannot speak for the need in years past, but I believe this health and wellness movement is just beginning and is most definitely not going anywhere anytime soon!

Q: What’s your tip for balancing your family, work, and personal wellness?
A: Set boundaries, know how to say no to things, and figure out what your priorities are. As my own boss, it is very easy for me to continue working throughout the night right until I get in bed. After the first few months of struggling with when to “shut it down,” my fiancé and I made an agreement that every Tuesday night in our apartment would be a Taco Tuesday date night. Whether it is just us or some friends come to join, that is my night where I absolutely close the computer by 6pm and set work aside.

Q: Tell us your favorite way to wake up each day!
A: I am an early riser and a total morning person! Coming from an extremely structured schedule for the past five years, I try to keep my morning routine the same each day. I wake up by 5:30am, meditate for 20 minutes, write down something I am grateful for that day, have some warm water with apple cider vinegar, lemon, and collagen peptides followed by a coffee, and then get in a workout. After that, I am off and running around NYC between clients and meetings!

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