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Becoming a Minimalist

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 12:46:11 PM

Becoming a minimalist isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. Similar to bio-individuality, what one person defines as “quality over quantity,” or “less is more,” may not be the same for another person. However, it might surprise you to learn how much your life is currently cluttered – from your bedroom and office to how many devices you use each day. You’re bombarded by so much, and taking the time to decide what’s most important will help you stress less and spend more time doing what you love.

Here are some simple steps to help you achieve a minimalist lifestyle:

Use it or lose it
How many times have you looked through a closet or drawer and seen something you haven’t used in weeks or even months? We’ve all been there before, which is why it can be helpful to implement this “use it or lose it” rule. Try tossing (or donating!) items you haven’t used in the past three months.

Create morning and night rhythms
Having a routine to start and end your day can be helpful in living a balanced and minimalist life. Maybe you wake up every morning and meditate or go for a walk. Or maybe you shut down your phone at nine o’clock and get into bed at ten. Explore what works best for you!

Start fresh
Unleash any negative feelings when you wake up in the morning. Write them down, get them out of your head, and start your day on a positive note.

Have a schedule
Choose which days to run your errands. Have a weekly flow and know ahead of time which days are dedicated to grocery shopping, picking up your dry cleaning, etc. This can minimize your back and forth and free up time for self-care, socializing, or creativity.

Minimize your digital devices
Our brains are constantly absorbing new information and being overstimulated by technology. Experiment with leaving the house without your phone when you run an errand, not checking your work email after hours, or removing electronics from your bedroom when you go to sleep.

Use a to-do list
Try keeping a to-do list on your phone or in a journal. Write down all the things you need and want to get done. Then go through your list and remove anything that is not a high priority or doesn’t support you and your goals.

Bring in less
One in, one out! Limit what you bring into your home by removing one item for every new item you bring in. If you’re really feeling inspired, you could set a dollar amount each month that can be spent on new items. This rule may be harder for the kitchen or living room, but you can definitely apply it to your closet!

Enjoy implementing some of these strategies in your life. Remember, what works for someone else may not work for you, so explore what resonates most with your unique lifestyle. Start small on your path to becoming a minimalist and figure out what’s truly important to you!

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