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Meet Our November 2017 Leadership in Health Coaching Award Winners!

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 3:12:01 PM

Congratulations to our Leadership in Health Coaching Award recipients for the HCTP November 2017 accelerated class! Integrative Nutrition believes in, supports, and celebrates all our outstanding graduates for spreading the ripple effect of health and happiness in the world. The Leadership in Health Coaching Award was created to recognize the amazing accomplishments of our graduates, specifically those doing outstanding work that aligns with Integrative Nutrition’s core mission. Learn more about the winners below.

Kenny Friedman
Huntington, New York

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
I have spent my entire adulthood (since my teen years) playing music for a living. In addition to my musical career, I founded an organic food-buying club in 2013. Nourishing Long Island/NYC connects small-scale organic farmers/producers with organically minded consumers in the NYC metro area as well as Long Island. We bring a truck full of fresh farm food from Pennsylvania to this area every Saturday morning, 52 weeks a year. I am fortunate to have two careers I love, so “work” is actually a pleasure for me.

How did your life change after enrolling?
I consider myself more of a spiritual person than a “God” person; I have always believed in karma and lived by the Golden Rule. I started practicing yoga early on during my IIN training and found that I enjoyed the spiritual connection, breathing techniques, and expressions of gratitude. Yoga led me to meditation, which I have integrated into my coaching practice as well as my own life. Yoga and meditation have been very positive additions to my lifestyle that didn’t exist before IIN’s inspiration and extra “push.”

Patricia Pinto Sanzana
Santiago, Chile

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
Before enrolling at IIN, I started a natural and organic products store, a project that had started in 2015 after many years of being in a vocational crisis. I was looking to formally study something related to nutrition to do my job in the most professional manner.

How did your life change after enrolling?
My goals were reduced – I realized that I could positively affect myself and more people as a Health Coach than as the owner of a store, so the store went into the background. In order to be more efficient in using my energy, I decided to close it; I just finished that process.

What I like about working as a Health Coach is that it involves following one’s intuition, developing the senses more, and being creative to understand how to bring joy and fulfillment to the heart. From that place, it is possible to displace the belief of separation that generates suffering, fear, and disease. I love the idea of ​​helping to improve the health and happiness of people and myself!

Sapna Von Reich
Fort Collins, Colorado

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
I have been teaching cooking classes for over 15 years. I teach classes for kids, teens, and adults at various community centers in northern Colorado. I also teach worksite wellness classes and give food presentations at a few local libraries. In 2011, I got certified by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) to teach their award-winning “Food for Life” program.

How did your life change after enrolling?
It was very exciting to go through this course. I learned a lot of different ways in which I can help my clients achieve their health goals. I feel ready to put my Integrative Nutrition health coaching education into practice.

Particia Ocennell-McGee
Schenectady, New York

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
Prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition, I was a practice administrator for multiple physicians’ practices in a large healthcare system located in upstate NY. I am a master’s-prepared RN with more than 30 years of clinical and administrative healthcare experience. I was grieving the loss of my mother and volunteering as a financial counselor for an organization that serves homeless families called Family Promise of the Capital Region. I was struggling with several health issues and an overwhelming amount of stress.

How did your life change after enrolling?
My life has completely changed and transformed since enrolling in IIN. I have become a much healthier and happier person doing what I love doing. I have personally lost 30 pounds and have transformed my life in every way possible. I exercise daily and eat real, whole food. I cook at home daily, and I sleep and enjoy connecting with new people and IIN students and classmates. I wake up every day with a completely different outlook.

 Are you interested in changing the health and happiness of the world? Click here to learn more about becoming an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach!