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Easy Ways to Stay Healthy When Traveling

Traveling during the holidays can put excess stress on your body. Between social plans, family gatherings, and long flights, you can easily become susceptible to a slew of germs that can shake your immune system.

To avoid entering 2018 with a bug, you’ll want to take some safety measures to keep your health in tip-top shape during your holiday festivities. It’s worth noting that skimping on sleep and trekking through airports can make your body less effective at warding off pathogens and viruses. (Now is the time when lots of people get sick, so you’ll want to be especially careful in public places.)

Take Zinc
You know those zinc lozenges and supplements at your local drugstore? You’ll want to take them daily to avoid getting sick when traveling. You can even buy antioxidant immunity boosters high in zinc and vitamin C to keep sniffles away. (Try Airborne, which you can buy at most drugstores.) 

Studies show that zinc can improve your immune system and fight a cold, so it’s smart to load up in the few weeks when you’ll really need that nutrient kick.

Prioritize Sleep
If you’re jetlagged from traveling or just not prioritizing sleep in those hours when you’ve hit your destination, you run the risk of getting fatigued and sick. Research shows that lack of sleep can decrease your immunity and put you at risk for coming down with a cold.

A few tips? Invest in a lavender-scented sleep mask if you’re in a hotel and can’t sleep well. Set an alarm to power down and be sure to maintain a somewhat regular, sleep-wake schedule while away.

Get in a Workout
Sweat it out! Even if you can’t make time to get to the gym, you’ll want to stay active when traveling as it’ll keep you healthy and help you avoid holiday weight gain.

Taking a walk or playing an active game with your family can still add up and get you on your feet without being too rigorous or “workout like.”

Enjoy Your Time Away
Simply put, you’ll want to be in the moment during your travels and enjoy each second to the fullest. If you’re too stressed and don’t let yourself indulge in the holiday cheer, you’ll suffer mentally and physically.

Feeling happy can boost endorphins, which can help you keep your weight in check, feel less inflamed and stressed out, and make you return in 2018 feeling excited for what’s to come. Plus, studies show that depressive symptoms can lower immunity, leaving room for you to become sick during your travels.


What do you do to stay healthy when traveling during the holidays? Please share below!

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