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Meet Cynthia Estrada, 'Leadership in Health Coaching' Award Winner!

Congratulations to our July 2017 recipient of the Leadership in Health Coaching Award - Cynthia Estrada!

Cynthia found Integrative Nutrition after going through a very challenging period in her life. She was living in a city she didn't like, working a job she hated and was also getting over a 6-year relationship where she didn't feel valued. She was overweight, depressed and drained. Integrative Nutrition helped her transform into the vibrant and enegertic person she is today. Learn a little more about her below!

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
I was working for an Indsutrial Coating Systems Company as E-Marketing Applications Project Manager for Latin America and feeling completely incogruent with the place I was working at and my personal and professional values. I worked in IT an e-marketing for almost 18 years.

What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?
I’m 29 living in a city I don't like, working at a job I don’t enjoy, getting over a 6-year relationship where I don’t feel valued with 66 lbs. over my normal weight. I’m alone, unhappy and unfulfilled drinking and smoking my depression off. I’m 33 now I've lost 66 lbs. train 6/7 days, have a job I enjoy and just met my life partner. I changed by investing my time and energy into clean eating, exercising and self-discovery. I understand that food is a reflection of our inner world. It’s the perfect tool for success or self-sabotage. By age 35 I’m sharing my discovery with everyone I can. My brother, who has been a great supporter of my transformation, suggests I look into IIN and my partner just keeps pushing me over doing it, so I do it.

How did your life change after enrolling? (This may be a small change or a large change, in any way)
I discovered my life purpose and I am building a life around it. I have the privilege of spending every single minute of my day doing what I love and earning a living from it. I still have a long way to go but I'm enjoying every step of it. I feel honored to have met great people along this journey that share my view of life and are willing to listen to my message.

Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you? Please list any teachers or ideas that had a major impact on you.
The most beneficial modules where the ones that talked about microbia, hormones, sugar - fat relationship, fermented foods and probiotics, what is gluten, bio individuality, time management financial education, intentions, longevity, green meat, intuitive eating, elimination diet, creativity techniques such as morning pages, meditation techniques, financial education, industrial farming, relationship between processed food and pharmaceutical industries, all stats (I love numbers). The teachers that impacted me the most where Bernie Siegal, John Dulliard, Manisha Thakor, Daniel Vitalis, Libby Weaver, Amy Jo Goddard, Ann Cooper.

What are you doing now? If you have a product or are a practicing Health Coach, briefly describe your focus area/clientele.
Heatlh Coaching with 3 main projects -

  1. Nutrción y Cocina (Nutrition & Cooking). My coaching practice, the root of it all. I offer group programs, specialized courses, private and corporate cooking workshops. 
  2. Giving Back Program. Collaborating with BrainForest Visionary Studio, Children's Psycotherpy Studio, by offering free or with cause workshops every month with the mission of creating a community and bring people closer together. 
  3. Agriculture. Working with local farmers to promote organic, agroecological, and sustainable whole foods in order to reintroduce and protect Prehispanic ingredients such as maize offering great quality food while creating consciousness around what we eat and how does it impact our health, community and economy.

What makes you and your practice or product unique?
Passionate about dogs, cooking and chocolate I have found in my 21 years as cook and my 29 years of living with dogs that the two of them create the best formula for love and that chocolate is the perfect treat for those tired or sad days. I have learned that food is not only the gas that keeps the body moving; but an expression of ourselves, our fears, desires, frustrations and at moments the perfect ingredient for self-sabotage. Nutrición y Cocina (Nutrition & Cooking) is created around my personal experience. It seeks to help those who are ready to create the lifestyle and health condition they’ve dreamed of by using cooking and new habits as the main resources to transform their physical, emotional and spiritual self.

How do you help your clients be successful? Can you provide a specific example of someone who had great success or one of your favorite Coach-Client relationships?
I focus on 3 main things when coaching, love my clients up, help them find their life purpose and be conscious of how every day activities bring them closer to it and how it affects their overall health and happiness. As part of my business I want to give away 2 full scholarships each year. This year I am working with Lupita, my Home Goddess, as I call her since she does more than keeping my home neat and clean. So far, she has lost 8 pounds, reduced her waist 5 inches, corrected hormonal and skin issues. She’s saving to buy a house, thinking on going back to school and finishing her Accounting Degree or starting a new one. We have become really close and I am looking forward to offer her a new position in Nutrición y Cocina.

What do you love about your work?
I love that it helps me fulfill my life purpose while helping others find their own. It has helped me create the life of my dreams. It feels great to earn a living by doing something that is good by nature.

Is there a need for Health Coaches where you live?
I live in Mexico, where 67% of our adult population suffer from diabetes and 70% is overweight or obese. Most people dread diets or are unsure where to start or why they've tried so many methods and they just don't seem to achieve their health objectives. In Mexico City, where I am located people just live under the clock, with no idea where to fit rest, family, life dreams, exercise or cooking in their lives. Most people seem frustrated, tired and become aggressive overtime. Health Coaches are indeed needed.

Check out Cynthia's website and Facebook page!

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