5 Indoor Plants That Can Instantly Improve Your Health
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There’s just something about having living plants in your home that boosts your mood and increases overall happiness. In feng shui, it’s believed that having healthy plants situated throughout your home will bring abundance and good health. And many people believe that seeing greenery in our living spaces grounds us and makes us feel one with the earth.
But plants aren't just about good looks—having a few key types in your home can actually improve your health. Keep scrolling for five indoor-friendly plants that instantly boost your wellness.
Aloe vera
The perfect plant for a someone who’s a little nervous about indoor growing, aloe vera requires almost no maintenance. Because they’re members of the succulent family, all they require is lots of sun and watering about twice a month. Keep your aloe plant in your bedroom—they’re excellent air purifiers, but do most of their work at night while you’re sleeping! Plus, the gel of the aloe vera plant is loaded with healing vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients. Next time you’ve got a sunburn, pop open a leaf and use the gel directly on skin.
English ivy
Aesthetes love adding the draping vines of English ivy plant as the finishing design touch on a room or space, but this plant does more than make your living room design look pulled together. Research shows that the presence of English ivy reduces the presence of airborne mold by 94 percent—which is incredibly helpful for people with allergies or lung issues.
Plus, ivy is an relatively low-maintenance indoor plant; all ivy varieties require lots of light in order to remain lush and green, but can be watered minimally, about once a week. Ivy grow particularly well in bathrooms (as long as there is lots of sunlight!), as they like the moist environment.
Snake plant
Got a headache? There’s a plant for that. Also known as “Mother-in-Law’s tongue,” the snake plant is a lovely addition to any room and a useful plant to have in your home. Like most greenery, it’s a great plant to keep at home to help improve air quality. But there’s evidence that snake plants can actually help alleviate headaches, too. This could be because they rapidly convert CO2 into clean oxygen, especially at night.
These plants come in varying sizes, and can truly live anywhere in your home—invest in a few to ensure that your days stay headache-free!
Garden mum
You’ve probably seen these inexpensive, bright flowers planted outside, but did you know that garden mums thrive in the indoors, too? According to research completed by NASA, mum flowers are a powerful air detoxifier, removing ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from a room.
There’s nothing like flavor of fresh basil—but did you know that this popular herb is anti-inflammatory and antiviral? Relatively easy to grow in your kitchen, add a little fresh basil to every dish—eggs, pasta, salads, even smoothies—to boost your immune system.
Do you have indoor plants? What plant is your favorite?
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024