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Integrative Nutrition

6 Easy Ways to De-Clutter Your Closet

Are you the type who always has a pile of unfolded clothes on your closet floor? Or perhaps you still have that puffy-sleeved dress from the ’80s hiding way in the back. Although you might close the door and try to just ignore the mess, chances are it’s still causing some low-grade stress. How annoying is it when you have to spend 15 minutes searching for the outfit you really want to wear? At Integrative Nutrition, we know there is more to health than the food you eat. Primary Food is crucial to living a happy, healthy, and balanced life. From keeping a tidy kitchen to avoid overeating, to using Feng Shui to create balance in your home, organizing your living environment is a great way to improve your holistic well-being.

Here, we’ve rounded up some practical tips for de-cluttering your closet. Time to get a head start on spring cleaning!

Use more hangers.
If you despise folding your clothes, hangers might solve your problem. Make it a fun event by grabbing a pile of hangers and turning on your favorite TV show while you work. Hangers exist for more than just shirts and pants, too. There are even belt hangers to keep you organized.

Store your off-season clothes.
Unless you have a gigantic walk-in closet, don’t bother trying to fit every season of clothing in there. Instead, place your off-season items in storage bins. Bonus: It’s a fun surprise when you open the bin and rediscover clothes you haven’t seen in awhile. (If you do have the space in your closet, we like this tip for using different colors of hangers for each season.)

Don’t keep every sentimental item.
Your best friend’s wedding may have been amazing, but you don’t have to keep the bridesmaid dress forever. Real Simple suggests limiting sentimental items to one storage box and taking a picture in the outfits you really want to remember, then donating them.

Fold clothes vertically.
Rather than stacking each shirt on top of the other—which makes it nearly impossible to find what you’re looking for in a drawer or bin—learn to fold your clothes vertically with the “KonMari method.” If that seems too daunting, try rolling them instead.

Buy an accordion rack. 
Use an expanding coat rack, also called an accordion wall rack, to hang jewelry, scarves or handbags, The Nest suggests. You can also use shower rings to hang your scarves, like this example from Good Housekeeping.

 Group similar items.
This seems simple enough, but it’s worth noting that it’s much easier to navigate your closet when similar items are grouped together. You could even go as far as creating groups within groups (for example, workout T-shirts stacked in a separate section next to workout tank tops).

What are your best tips for organizing your closet? Share them with us in the comments below!

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