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Graduate Success: How Emily Getchell Found Her Niche

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:33:35 AM

At Integrative Nutrition we believe that “Primary Food” (everything that feeds you that isn’t food!), like financial stability, is an important component in achieving total wellness. Financial counselor and Health Coach Emily Getchell, uses what she learned at IIN to offer a holistic approach to financial consultations, imparting stress-relieving techniques and healthy lifestyle advice to her clients. She graduated from IIN in November 2016, shortly before giving birth to her third child. 

What do you do professionally?
I've worked in the financial services profession since 2005 and currently am a retirement investment counselor with a financial firm outside of Portland, Maine. Currently, I meet one-on-one with people to define their financial goals and assist them in making small changes in their lifestyle and habits that have a huge impact on their financial wellness. I also facilitate financial seminars to groups at businesses throughout Maine and New Hampshire.

What drew you to IIN’s program?
I have always been interested in health and wellness; I enjoy reading and learning as much as I can on the topic. An IIN graduate talked to me about the school when she and I were discussing our interests and her thriving health-coaching business. Initially, I thought that I could pair the financial wellness aspect of my career with the knowledge I would gain at IIN.

What did you enjoy about the program?
The program is designed to ensure success even if you're struggling to find time to do “one more thing.” From the beginning, I was focused on creating space for the classes and coursework and letting go of things that were not a priority. Along the way, I learned how to do this even more efficiently. I loved that I could watch a quick video here and there and then come back to it at a time that worked into my schedule.  

What was the biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge for me was finding time to complete the coursework while focusing on creating a vision for my business. I often compared myself to other students who were doing both! But then I realized I needed to take a step back and accept that if I were only able to focus on the material and completing the assignments, it was OK. The coaching circles really helped me to get focused and be comfortable with where I was. 

You completed the program with two young children and one on the way. Did that influence how you approached the lessons?
A few months into the program I learned I was expecting our third child—at the time, I already had a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old. I was worried that I would be overwhelmed and exhausted and my school work would suffer, or that I wouldn't be able to invest myself fully in the program. I found that some of the time that was true! During those times, I did my best to implement what I was learning to make other areas of my life easier to manage. Time management skills became utterly important. I let go of things that didn't get me to where I wanted to be.

I wasn't always perfect but I basically coached myself through this time with what I was learning at IIN. The experience I was having led me to realize that this was my target market—I wanted to help working moms find ways to manage all that they have going while letting go of guilt and stress by implementing healthy habits.

What advice would you give to mothers of young children who would be interested in the program but are worried about the time it takes to complete?
This program is designed with you in mind! I was surprised at how doable the coursework was for me. I definitely looked forward to the off weeks so I could catch up if needed. I occasionally got behind a little depending on what was going on in my life but always caught up with minimal stress and enjoyed that I could complete assignments on my phone, tablet, or computer—it was really flexible for busy people.

After going through the program, what changes have you made to your lifestyle?
I thought I was healthy before the program, but there is so much to learn and focus on. I've noticed that I spend more attention now on my relationships and home environment than I did before. The concept of Primary Food really resonated with me. I quit a financial firm two months after I started IIN in favor of another company that valued family life along with my work productivity. What I learned at IIN greatly influenced me in this decision. Getting my career in a good place had huge effects on the other areas addressed in the Circle of Life concept. 

What do you hope your kids learn from watching their mother take control of her health, wellness, and work-life balance?
I am very aware of how much my children pay attention to, based on what comes out of their mouths! They watch and absorb so much more than I imagined they would. I want them to grow up in a household that values health and wellness and encourages them to experiment and be open to trying things that make them feel vibrant and energized. I also want them to see that their parents have a healthy relationship, enjoy their jobs, are financially aware, and make time for things they enjoy. 

Connect with Emily on LinkedIn: Emily Getchell, AIF

What inspires you most about Emily’s story? Share with us in the comments below.