From Cake to Kale, Health Coach Jess Rothschild Helps Clients Live a Life of Abundance
Funny story—I enrolled in Integrative Nutrition in January 2013 with zero intention of forming a business. It was the last thing on my agenda, as I already had a successful full-time career as a web designer/social media strategist with benefits, paid vacation—the whole nine. After overcoming some disordered eating habits in my early twenties (swinging from eating entirely clean to binging on sweets) I’d become a gymrat and nutrition enthusiast. For ten years, I read every food and fitness blog out there, endlessly learning, educating myself, and getting in the best shape of my life while eating what I love in a healthy balance.
In late 2012, a friend told me about Integrative Nutrition and encouraged me to check it out. Although I had no interest in becoming a Health Coach or starting a business, I saw it as an amazing way to channel my energy into something productive, challenging, and educational. Ultimately, I was bored at my day job and needed an outlet for this passion that had been building inside me for years.
Cut to three months into the program, and I have a sleepless night. I was at the point in the curriculum where we began learning about building a business and coaching clients, and all of a sudden my mind was racing with ideas. I already had a secure job, but surely I should put up a website or buy a domain at the very least, right? Creativity was flowing through me in a way I never experienced, and suddenly I was struck with the concept of “Cake to Kale.” I realized that I had been able to crack the nutrition code of being able to eat all the foods I love without cutting out entire food groups—all because of the essential nutrition skills I learned through Integrative Nutrition.
Despite my original claim that I “didn’t want a business” the universe had the last laugh, as I have grown Cake to Kale into a thriving business where I coach clients on nutrition, fitness. and the mind/body connection.
Using the business coaching skills I learned through IIN, I’ve honed my niche to focus on clients looking to lose the last 10-15 pounds. I mesh Health Coaching with personal training (as I am also a personal trainer), and work with fitness enthusiasts looking to get the body of their dreams, women getting ready for their weddings, and those losing the last of the baby weight. I’ve also worked with women to help them overcome their own disordered eating habits, relating to them through my own experience. My practice seeks to change your body and elevate your mind.
If you feel the pull to Integrative Nutrition, enroll. Even if you have “no intention of starting a business”— you may wind up with a brand new career that opens up your entire world.
Jess Rothschild is a holistic nutritionist, fitness coach, and personal trainer and founder of Cake to Kale, where she offers private coaching specializing in kick-starting metabolism, personal training, deconstructing cravings, and recovery from disordered eating. She coaches from the perspective that you can have the body and life you want while eating all the foods you love—from cake to kale. Her mission is to inspire, educate, and empower you to become a rock star in body and mind. Grab Jess's free guide: 3 Keys to Breaking Your Fat Loss Plateau (that your trainer or nutritionist won't give you).
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024