Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Joshua Rosenthal Interviews Deepak Chopra on the State of Health & Wellness in America

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:48:37 AM

Recently, the IIN video crew had the opportunity to capture the intersection of two great minds when Joshua Rosenthal interviewed Deepak Chopra. The thought leaders focused their conversation on the state of health in America today, with Joshua’s unique perspective as founder of IIN complementing the holistic visionary’s diverse background. From meditation to genetics to the challenges of insurance companies, they covered a wide range of topics to bring important insights to life.

As more people continue to cultivate the wellness movement around the world, health leaders like Joshua and Deepak become more and more essential to guiding the revolution. The ripple effect continues to spread, tying into our financial lives, social networks, and local communities, and even affecting the genetic composition of our descendants! Deepak and Joshua’s conversation underscores the idea that we all have the power to change our biology, revolutionize our own health, and tap into true happiness, and that all it takes is adopting a few simple, healthy habits.

Still, this can often be much harder than it seems, making Health Coaches absolutely essential for this global health revolution. As Deepak says in the video, “I think Health Coaches are the key, not physicians…who first through example but then through constant training and reminders and feedback, they can make a huge difference in the world. They are the key.”

Watch the whole video below!