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San Diego Health Coach Amy Boring Discovers the Healing Power of Listening

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 2:47:21 PM

People come to Integrative Nutrition for a variety of reasons – to launch a new career as a Health Coach, to enhance their existing career, or simply to improve their health and enrich their personal lives. For San Diego Health Coach Amy Boring, the motivation was to take control of her health and heal herself from a crippling illness. Empowered by what she learned at IIN, Amy not only was pain-free within four months, but she also embarked on a yoga teacher training program and freed herself of an unhealthy relationship, to boot.

Almost one year since graduating, the professional photographer now has a thriving practice as a San Diego Health Coach where she runs an 11-day program that helps people free themselves of poor food choices and adopt healthier lifestyle habits. Amy’s honest, heartfelt approach attests to the healing power of listening and supporting people in the most loving way possible. 

Read on to hear how this inspiring San Diego Health Coach is changing lives, one person at a time!

What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?
I got super sick, like ER sick, and after doing a ton of research on trying to figure out what was ailing me I found myself wanting to further my education. So I did. I looked into several avenues before taking the leap. IIN just seemed to be a good fit for me. It felt right.

How did your life change after enrolling?
Right off the bat I got out of an unhealthy long-term relationship and after that it was just a slow and gradual road to feeling pretty awesome. The most significant change was that my pain was non-existent within four months. I amazed the very doctors that were wanting to place me on all kinds of hormones and discussing options of a full hysterectomy. Thankfully, I listened to my intuition and said no. I had been dealing with severe pain for over a year and there was no way I was going to just roll over to their suggestions without doing everything I could. Things turned around considerably with what I learned at IIN and a few outside therapies in less than six months.

What are you doing now?
I still work as a full-time fine art portrait photographer that specializes in capturing the spirit and personality of anyone and anything in front of my camera. I am currently in the final leg of a 200-hour yoga teacher training program.

On the health coaching front, I run an 11-day System Reboot based on the elimination diet. It emphasizes the importance of digestive heath with a sweet little spin on yoga philosophy. I have a more specialized program in the works surrounding women's reproductive health but as you know, Rome was not built in a day.

What makes you and your practice or product unique?
After having been through the ringer with doctors and the healthcare system myself, I can totally relate to the frustration and confusion of wanting answers. There is obviously a time and place to see a doctor, but beyond diagnosis, diagnostics, and prescribing, they cannot provide the attention and support needed on a case-by-case basis. Me? I can be a bit of a fireball with my fiery Aries and Year of the Dragon energy. I have a very strong intuition and can feel more than I know what to do with sometimes. I also have a very soft sensitive side that balances out that fire. I am dedicated to supporting people in the most positive loving way possible.

How do you help your clients be successful?
My intention is to create a safe space and give people the tools and a place to start.  Everyone has different support level needs and I just meet them where they are. From there, we break it down and come up with a fluid plan. I ask questions and listen. I am currently working with a woman with MS that has severe fatigue, chronic pain and has been battling an intense flare-up for months. She decided she was in and is blowing my mind and showing so much improvement after a very short time. Her lighthearted spirit is being renewed and she is bouncing off the walls with energy and sleeping great. It's pretty amazing to witness.

What do you love about your work?
I never really intended to do any sort of coaching but my goodness, how can you not share all this great information? It is so rewarding. I was in this for personal enrichment, to cut out a lot of the confusion that comes with bouncing around to blog sites with conflicting information. I'm just scratching the surface of what I would like to do with this. Photography has always been intensely rewarding and helping people like this goes above and beyond anything I have experienced.

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