Live from New York: Our Latest Conference
It’s four days later, and we’re still buzzing with the excitement of this weekend’s live conference! It’s been amazing to experience the energy and wisdom of our international community, including that of our live conference bloggers. These six outstanding students and graduates were chosen for their social media savvy, as well as their passion for health and wellness. Get IINspired by their perspective, and then share your thoughts on our Live Events Facebook Page!
Jackie Damboragian on The Power of Community
It was a day of inspiration, and a reminder of what a strong and vibrant community Integrative Nutrition we have at IIN. To be in a room with like-minded people who have the same goal: to help people live healthier lives, is incredibly powerful. I’ve been to a few live conferences and each one brings new motivation, inspiration, curiosity and admiration.
Elizabeth Dennison gets to the Root of the Problem
Thousands of like-minded people who share a similar vision of creating health and happiness in their communities came together for the IIN Live Conference in New York City. To lead this amazing group of visionaries, there was a fabulous unit of well-known and talented leaders in the wellness field. While each speaker was remarkable in presenting his or her unique message to the crowd, there seemed to be an underlying theme:
It’s time to get real with life, to change your focus, your mindset, and create the life you love, nourishing yourself from the inside out.
Lindsay LaPaugh on Making a Difference
When JJ Smith said ‘Eating healthy is the new black’, it triggered many thoughts in my head. I do believe that she is right. But there is also something to be said about the fact that Americans are less healthy in 2012 than any other time in history. This is one of the reasons I chose to take this journey and attend Institute for Integrative Nutrition. If you don’t help the problem, then you are the problem. Watching so many inspirational speakers at the IIN conference was motivating, and continues to impact thousands of students from IIN around the world.”
Amanda Carney says You’re Worth It!
In the words of Andrea Beaman, "You are worth every single dollar that you put into your body." We have to begin to view what we eat differently than the way we view a hot sale at our favorite boutique. Food is our medicine…quality, whole foods equal good health.
Laurel Moll has an “A-Ha” Moment
Bernie Siegel had me shaking my head, having what Oprah calls those "A-Ha" moments. He reminded us that everyone is struggling in some way. He says that when you are going through hell, ask yourself “what am I supposed to learn from this situation?” and “What nourishment do I need to bring into my life?”
Sue Kemple on Personal Transformation
Bernie Siegel’s talk demonstrated how life doesn’t come without wounds, but we cannot grow without pain, without the small deaths that come in the form of disappointment, disillusionment, heartbreak, and grief. When I think back on all those “sad” events in my life, I do see them as blessings, new beginnings, and wake up calls.
A big thank you to all of our Integrative Nutrition Live Conference bloggers!
What were your big takeaways from last weekend’s conference?
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024