Integrative Nutrition Live October Conference
This past weekend, more than 500 students came together from across the globe – and thousands more tuned in online - to celebrate the Integrative Nutrition community and advance our knowledge of health and wellness.
With an exciting roster of speakers, including Marion Nestle, Joy Bauer, Neal Barnard, Daphne Oz, and Terry Walters – as well as a number of successful grads and fitness professionals – the conference was vibrant, energizing and IINspiring.
IIN’s founder and director, Joshua Rosenthal, led an intensive reflection on primary food and opened a discussion about students’ intentions, addressing how the conference could inspire them to meet those goals. He also revealed the new IIN Plate and announced the upcoming launch of Wellness Today, a one-stop website for all your health and nutrition needs.
The speakers’ subjects ranged from women’s health to food allergies and food intolerance; the relationship between high-glycemic diets and diabetes; and how food politics affects both personal and social responsibility.
But as much as we loved the conference itself, we always look forward to the post-event buzz. Here are some of our favorite Facebook posts and tweets about the amazing impact of the weekend’s excitement.
#IINLive on Twitter
Conference Buzz on Facebook
Barbara Sinclair Everyone was wonderful and it was great listening to Joshua again–he's such an amazing teacher. But I have to admit, my favorite part was Sarina Jain! I loved her when she came to our class in 2009. Thanks for letting us watch online and passing it on to prospective students. Such a great idea!
Pam Dyer I learned so much this weekend about food and reignited my love affair with my kitchen. I've been practicing my power poses, feeling confident about everything, and on day three of an elimination diet. I feel so grateful for the continued education and support. Thanks for the live stream IIN! ❤
Barbara Koszelak Fronczak What a wonderful event!! I have never experienced so much positive energy at once!! I have been so emotional after the conference. I am so blessed to have met so many fantastic people this weekend!!!
Jose A Santiago-Erdmann My intention in the beginning of the weekend was to get the confidence to push myself more out of my comfort zone. I saw so many great speakers that inspired me to stand up and teach. This coming week I look to get an approval for a wellness program at my workplace. I put an proposal together and won’t take no for an answer.
Lana Ryder Rosner This was a great injection of some more inspiration, knowledge and reinforcement. I am going to revamp some of my material for next month's workshops.Personally, I am going to incorporate a couple new recipes and go back to finding a good yoga class! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
What was your favorite part of the conference?
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024