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Happy Mother's Day From Integrative Nutrition!

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:42:02 AM

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms out there! Hopefully you have an extra special day planned for your mom, enjoying her company over brunch, or showering her with gifts!

More importantly, we hope you take the time today to tell your mother how much she means to you and why you appreciate her. We asked some Integrative Nutrition staffers to share what they love about their moms and what makes them so special. Read below to see their responses – this is a very loving bunch!

“I've never met anyone more caring, compassionate, beautiful, loving and kind than my mom. She goes out of her way to make sure that everyone around her is taken care of before she takes care of herself. I hope to one day be like her.” –Carly, Events/Student Services

“My mom, no matter what the situation, keeps a smile on her face that warms up the entire room. I love her warmth, her compassion, and her selflessness!” –Julia, Marketing

“There's nothing my mom, Sara aka "Dukes", CAN'T do. She puts her family and friends (and rescued animals!) before herself. One of the things I love most about Dukes: her commitment to spread the ripple effect with IIN. She enrolled in the Health Coach Training Program with me in July 2011. I can't wait to see what kind of amazing things she will do as a Health Coach!” –Jenelle, Enrollment

“My mom gave me life and the giving has not stopped since. She has been there for me without exception... always on time, selflessly loving. Regardless of what color I've dyed my hair, how many tattoos I've gotten, or how else I've chosen to express myself – she’s been there to support me.” –Marissa, Education

“My mom has always supported my life decisions with understanding, patience and love. Although she might have thought I lost my mind when I decided to go vegan in 2002, my mom taught herself how to make vegan versions of all my favorite dishes. She makes a killer vegan lasagna and outstanding vegan tacos, but my personal favorite is her famous vegan fried wontons! I love you Mom!” –Michael, IT

“My mother is my absolute best friend! Once a week we make time from our busy schedules to make sure we sit down and catch up over a cup of herbal tea! We share laughs, memories and even throw on a home video from time-to-time. Sharing that time with my mother is essential, and I'm so blessed to have her in my life.” –Andrea, Enrollment

“My mother Cathy is bold, beautiful and fierce! She is the master of all trades and has the most generous heart. Loving and courageous says it all.” –Elaina, Enrollment

“My mom is amazing because she is constantly giving and doing things for others while expecting nothing in return. My mom is amazing because she doesn't hold grudges and always forgives right away.” –Dan, Marketing

“I love how my mom treats every day literally as though it is a new day. Her energy to love life is inspiring and her love for life is contagious. Who else befriends a person on a NYC bus and then invites them over for a family bbq? Mi Mama! Love, love, love her!” –Arielle, Enrollment

“My mom is my Hero. I know it sounds cheesy but it is true. I learned how to be with people by watching her. She lights up a room and leaves people feeling so good about themselves. She is selfless in that way and I see it as the most beautiful way of being.” –Prysm, Enrollment

“My mom is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. She is supportive, loving, and cooks some of my all-time favorite Italian food. She has traveled to some pretty amazing places, some of which she has taken me to - I am a very lucky daughter!” –Sasha, Enrollment

“My mom is amazing because she is the reason I am living in New York! When I got into a car accident seven months ago in Florida, she inspired me to use that opportunity to follow my dream! She helped me find a place to live, and gave me money and bought my plane ticket. She moved all of my belongings from my old apartment and sold my furniture for me when I couldn't be there. She is truly an amazing mom!” –Megan, Enrollment

“My mom, Germaine Fraser, is an amazing holistic R.N. who is always quick to laugh and ready to help. She is an inspiration and role model for me- adventuring in China, starting her own business, and moving to a strange new city- and that's just in her 50s! You can check out her fabulous writing on her blog!” -Kit, Front Desk

“My mom is so supportive and makes me feel loved every day. She is always teaching me about how to live a life filled with gratitude, and I'm so grateful to be her daughter!” –Heather, Education

“I love that my mom (and my aunts and grandmas) took time to teach me her hobbies when I was young. Now we enjoy doing these things together! She’s the best!” –Kelsey, Enrollment

“My mom is my hero. She is the most talented woman I know... she can design and sew a dress, choreograph a video of family photos, craft a stunning piece of jewelry, cook the world's best chicken noodle soup, and she's even planning my wedding! She's also a great listener and the most giving person I know. I can only hope to be half the mother she is someday.” –Jessica, Education

"I love my mama and her sweet southern smile. It always brightens my day. She is a constant source of inspiration and comfort for me and everyone around her. Happy Mother's Day to her!" -Karen, Social Media

“My mother is amazing because she holds on to my cassette tapes, decaying holiday ornaments, and yellowed report cards even though I haven't lived at home in over 17 years. That's love.”  –Melissa, Education

“Thanks to my mom's perseverance I have the gift of being able to speak, write and read Spanish fluently. Despite all the pressure she received when we moved to the US, my mom knew how important it would be for my sense of self and even the job market to keep my Spanish heritage. Gracias Mami!” –Paola, Student Services

I’m sending lots of love to my own mom today. She’s full of energy and inspiration, and she brings a smile wherever she goes. She’s running the Great Wall Half Marathon in China this weekend- how awesome is that! Good luck Mom, love you!

At Integrative Nutrition, May is all about Vitamin M - the love, support, health, and happiness that moms give us every day. We’re celebrating Vitamin M all month long with exclusive webinars, blog posts and an exciting contest – learn more here!