Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

How Can $111 Make a Difference?

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:41:04 AM

You probably already looked at the calendar and realized it’s 11/11/11. Here at Integrative Nutrition, we’re calling it a Day of Oneness. One Health Coach can inspire thousands to get healthier and happier and together, we can create a ripple effect of health and happiness that changes the world.

We’ve come up with a way that will allow you to make a difference in your own life as well as the lives of others. If you call an Admissions Advisor at (877) 730-5444 to enroll in the Health Coach Training Program today only from 9am-5pm EST, we’ll donate $111 to your choice of these charities:

  • Semper Fidelis Health and Wellness: providing health and wellness solutions, education, and programs for our nation’s veterans. This nonprofit was founded by two U.S. Marine Corps veterans and IIN graduates, Alvaro Matta and Elijah Sacra.
  • Farm Sanctuary: changing the way that we view our food by advocating for the welfare of farm animals
  • Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution: redefining the way Americans eat and leading the school lunch revolution to  end childhood obesity
  • The Nature Conservancy: protecting ecologically important lands and water for the future of our planet

At Integrative Nutrition, we’re committed to helping you make a difference in the world, and we think this is a great first step. Get healthier and happier today, and start inspiring others to join you.

Here’s to a Day of Oneness!