Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Integrative Nutrition Grad is helping Hawaii Live Fuller

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:48:44 AM

Landry Fuller was offered her dream job last year. In the successful corporate PR position she had always aspired to, she was making a substantial salary- that is, before she decided a month in that it wasn’t the job for her.

She came across the Health Coach Training Program while surfing the web one day and immediately enrolled. Not only did Landry find a healthier lifestyle and a welcoming community, but also plenty of success, all prior to graduating from the program! She now sees clients through her holistic wellness and nutrition coaching company, Fuller Living, gives talks, works in schools, and more! Read on to hear about this 2011 graduate’s journey to wellness (and to Waimea, Hawaii!) and what she’s up to now.

What were you doing before Integrative Nutrition?

Before becoming a wellness coach, I had a successful corporate PR career that was filled with stress, poor eating habits and a lack of regular exercise. I knew I wasn't taking good care of my body due to my busy, demanding career and lifestyle. After 20 years, I was ready to make a shift in my life and career. I was inspired by a Balanced Wellness program launched at Pelican Hill Resort in Newport Beach, CA, where I learned that minor changes in my diet coupled with outside physical activity gave me new energy. By taking dairy products out of my diet and replacing sugar with agave nectar, I shed 12 pounds without even trying. Eventually, I became vegan and was then in the mindset to share what I had learned with others. 

What led you to explore Integrative Nutrition's program?

Last September, I was offered a PR "dream job" and accepted it based on the six-digit salary. I knew deep down it wasn't the right fit with my new personal focus on wellness, and thankfully we parted ways after only a month. That same week, I was exploring things on the web and came across Integrative Nutrition’s website. I had never heard of it before, but knew right away it was what I had been looking for. I called the admissions phone number and signed up for the fall class right away. It felt so liberating to break free from what I had known in the past as my only career in PR, and I knew in our first class with Joshua Rosenthal that I had found my true calling and felt grateful to be surrounded by so many like-minded people!

What happened since you enrolled in Integrative Nutrition's program?

I soon had a new perspective on life. I learned how to slow down and devote my full attention to the program. Soon after classes started, my husband and I moved to the place we had wanted to live for several years: Hawaii! It has provided a peaceful, inspiring location to embrace all of this new knowledge and everything has fallen into place without much effort.

What did you learn at Integrative Nutrition?

Each week was a new adventure with expert professors and Joshua as our foundation. This well of information allowed me to expand my knowledge in so many ways! My favorite speakers included Walter Willet, Neal Barnard, Mark Hyman, T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Katz, Andrew Weil, and Deepak Chopra. The tools they gave us were invaluable and helped me to determine my niche with women and children! With this training, I was able to do health histories, start my Fuller Living company, create my website and brochures, give talks, teach healthy cooking classes, create my booth at the farmers market, secure my first nine clients, and become a part-time nutrition teacher at a public elementary school and a private high school, all before graduation!

What do you love about the school?

Integrative Nutrition cares so much about each student and is there to help us every step of the way. Their mission, " play a crucial role in improving health and happiness in America, and through that process, create a ripple effect that transforms the world" speaks for itself and we are empowered to take what we have learned and to change the world! I loved receiving the daily forum emails, monthly web sessions, and bonding with other students to really be connected. It's so nice to have this continue as an alum.

How has studying with an international Health Coach Training Program benefited you?

It's nice to see that there are no boundaries as a student to take this course, no matter what state or country we live in. I also learned that we can help others wherever we live and it has opened my eyes to see the worldwide scope that people everywhere are yearning to have happier and healthier lives. 

Is there a need for Health Coaches where you live?

Yes, on the Big Island in Hawaii they are very receptive to spirituality, holistic practices and naturopathic doctors, but I was surprised to see I was among only a few trained wellness coaches and nutrition counselors. I was grateful to be able to fill this need in schools, health food stores, and for women’s groups.

What do you love about your work?

The genuine fulfillment I feel each time I meet with my clients and students! I know I'm making a difference in their lives and what they learn with me can have a ripple effect as they share their new knowledge with family and friends.

Tell us about your practice.

At Fuller Living, my niche focuses on women and children who want to be educated on how to eat healthier, lose weight and have happier lives. Each client has their own unique needs, so I continue to learn more myself each session on how to listen, and to rely on my intuitions to meet their needs, even if it's a problem I haven't handled before personally. I enjoy balancing my private practice program with teaching in the local schools. Children teach us new things too, and the enthusiasm and energy they bring to our classes are inspiring. I know they are the future, so what better place to educate Americans on how to reverse the diabetes and obesity problems that are so prevalent in the U.S. currently?