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Food Day: A Huge Success!

Last Monday, October 24th, The Center for Science in the Public Interest hosted Food Day, a nationally recognized day for people to cook meals with whole foods and promote nutrition in their communities. Food Day was a huge success, with celebrations everywhere from a Food Day Open House at the Nation Achieves in Washington DC to a conference on food deserts and prison food in San Francisco. We challenged our community to get involved and were blown away by what we saw!

In Las Vegas, several IIN grads got together to host “Local Foods Make A Difference”, a community camp out at Tonopah Community Garden. The group had quite a turnout as people brought their families, sleeping bags, and healthy snacks to watch healthy food-related movies such as Food Inc. and Forks Over Knives.

Nourished By Neighbors Another IIN grad Brian Hedgpeth, class of 2011, also hosted an event called Nourished By Neighbors, which gave people the opportunity to host a nourishing, real food meal for their community, or find an event in their community to attend. The evening was a huge success, and Brian plans to make Nourished By Neighbors a seasonal occurrence!

Cookin' for a causeCookin’ For A Cause was also a very successful event; people from all over the country participated by cooking healthy meals for their families and friends. Check out some of the deliciously healthy meals they created! check out some of the photos from their event on the Cookin' for a Cause Facebook Page.

We’re already looking forward to Food Day 2012! 

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