Announcing the Winners of the Summer Photo Contest
Ladies and gentlemen, your votes are in, the results are tallied, and we are pleased to announce the winners of our Share Your Summer: Integrative Nutrition Photo Contest! Drum roll, please.
Our Second Runner-up, and recipient of a $50 certificate to
Linda Hawes – St. Croix Sunset
"Waiting for a green flash at our home on St. Croix. Beauty and serenity good for the soul and spirit."
St. Croix, Virgin Islands
Our First Runner-up, and winner of a $75 certificate to
Marina de le Torre – Elevated Meditation
"Whole summer+girlfriend+car+47 cities+23 states+12500mi = intense exposure to nature and social stimuli AND an opportunity to learn about ourselves, look deep in our souls and expand our consciousness."
Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona
Finally, our Grand Prize Winner, and recipient of every book on our Summer Reading List:
Katrina Forrest – Father and Son Fun
"My husband Matt and my 4 yr old son Truman. We enjoyed a fun weekend splashing around my parent's lake. This was my son's 1st ride behind Nana & Papa's boat. Makes me smile everytime I look at it."
My parent's lake in CT
Thank you so much to all of you who submitted. We were so impressed with everyone’s talent, awe-inspiring photographs, and sense of summer fun!
Check out the slide show below to view all of the submitted photos, including a few submissions by the IIN staff that were in a different running. Don’t miss a shot – they’re all fantastic!
Take a look at all of our photos at the Integrative Nutrition Flickr Photostream!
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024