Announcing the Integrative Nutrition Scavenger Hunt
It’s officially the first day of the fall season. As you begin to wind down from your fun summer vacations, fall is a great time to focus on health and wellness, and enter a fun contest to win fantastic prizes! Who doesn’t love a good scavenger hunt? But this one has a twist – it will be held virtually, via Twitter!
Who: All our @NutritionSchool Tweeps (our Twitter peeps)
What: Integrative Nutrition Scavenger Hunt
When: October 3rd through October 30th, weekdays
Where: #IINHunt
Why: To celebrate fall and win great prizes!
How to Join the Hunt:
First, follow us @NutritionSchool. New to Twitter? Sign up here:
Starting October 3rd, we will post a clue to something you can easily find by searching the Internet. Follow the #IINHunt tag where clues will be posted every weekday at 2:00pm EDT. Topics will include health, wellness, autumn, IIN, and more fun stuff you love!
The goal every day is to be among the first five people to tweet the correct answer in a reply back to us @NutritionSchool with the #IINHunt. The points will be tallied as such:
- 1st person: 5 points
- 2nd person: 4 points
- 3rd person: 3 points
- 4th person: 2 points
- 5th person: 1 point
Remember to include the #IINHunt in your answer to be eligible for your points.
We’ll keep track of the score throughout the month and let you know who’s in the lead. At the end of October, the person with the most points wins! We have cool prizes for the runners-up, too!
Excited yet? Maybe this will help…
Grand Prize: Flip Video camera with a special IIN custom design
First Runner Up: An iPod Nano with the exclusive Apple store color. All proceeds go to Global Fund to Fight AIDS in Africa!
Second Runner up: An iPod shuffle
We can’t wait for the Integrative Nutrition Scavenger Hunt to begin! But in the meantime, make sure you are following us on twitter. (@NutritionSchool) Clues will be posted promptly at 2pm EDT everyday, so you don’t want to miss out!
Questions? Email
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024